
Examples Of Emotional Contagion

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Emotional Contagion Emotional contagion is an act where people receive and mimic emotions of others. This includes the imitation of “facial expression, vocal, postures and behavior of those around them” (Hatfield, Cacioppo, Rapson, 1993). Emotional contagion happens unconsciously; a person who is not afraid of ghost might get scared from watching a horror film because their friends get very involved with the content. Mass communication depends on emotional contagious as it is a key to successful advertisements, political campaigns and films. There will be several real life examples provided so that readers can have a better understanding towards emotional contagion. The theory of emotional contagion has been an interest of many writers both in the field of psychology and science. The root is not clear whether who …show more content…

Emotional contagion is the major factor for the number of protesters that joined in. Emotional contagion works like pass along readership in which the rumors or ideology get passed down from one human being to their social circle, with every individuals act as a medium of the ideology; once the story got told the content becomes more saucy(dramatic) and it could attracts more followers. When there are many people sharing the same ideology the group becomes very large and the hatred for the other side gets more intense. The group leader or the person who started the rumors then gain hegemony over the people and they can now easily persuade people to join the uprising. Emotional contagion could be implied to persuade a large group of people or invoke a protest. Democracy is a topic that every person in the nation give an importance to. Leaders or politicians will want to have more power and many of them were successful in doing so by using the emotional contagion and let the people literally fought for them while only think of creating

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