
Examples Of Escapism In Neverwhere

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Neverwhere is a story that involves escapism in many different aspects whether it’s the underground world or creatures. Neil Gaiman writes Neverwhere based on the television series. In the novel, the main character Richard is confronted with saving an insignificant person or continuing on as if he never saw them. Richard chooses to save the girl, launching him into a life of adventure, danger, and obscurity. Neverwhere is a contrast of two different worlds: the land of the forgotten and the land of the known having few similarities in-between with the way they interact with each other, live, and how time passes In Neverwhere, there are are two distinctly different communities, London Above and London Below. In London Above, the people don’t interact with each other unless they have …show more content…

I see. If you pay them any attention, Richard, they'll walk all over you. They all have homes, really. Once she's slept it off, I'm sure she'll be fine.” (Neil Gaiman, Pg 51) . This quote gives the idea that people think that if they give any support or help then they will be walked all over. Similarly to London Above the people/creatures of London Below don’t help each other when they are struggling unless they feel like they owe someone something. The author writes, “You really wouldn't be in this mess if it weren't for me," ……. "I'm sorry. I really am. Are you coining?"” To give the idea that Door feels bad for making Richard a part of London Below. (Neil Gaiman, Pg 72) While the reasons that people don't want to help others is different they, have the same idea that it’s an inconvenience for them. People also play a different role in the worlds because of how they interact with the animals around them. In London Below people and rats live together and they assist each other while in the real world if you were caught talking to a rat they would condemn you as mentally insane. Richard experienced this firsthand when his

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