
Examples Of Excursion At A Kindergarten

Decent Essays

There is a new student in our class. His name is Jean- Paul and he is French. He started at our school two weeks ago. He does not speak much Norwegian, but he will learn fast. He knows a lot about our country, because he has been here many times before. There are some girls in our class that are crazy about him, and that is no wonder at all! Jean-Paul is tall, dark haired and good looking.


To: Anders Vasaasen

From: Miona Pavicevic

Date: 07.04.14

Subject: Report about excursion at a kindergarten

I spent my excursion day at ‘’Utsikten’’ (The view) kindergarten. I was in the group with the youngest kids which are about one to three years old. Mostly I just played with the children and looked out for them. I had to be really careful and make sure that they wouldn’t hurt themselves or each other while playing. When you are working with kids that are so young, you need to know how to communicate with them. Using teenage-slang is not a good example. You need to know that …show more content…

I have chosen to write a text about how we are so quick to judge other people based on our first impression of them. There are people all around the world that are trying so hard to fit in. Our society has become so obsessed with being perfect, that we’ve totally forgotten how to be ourselves. Or the fact that just being ourselves, is actually enough.
The pressure of being ‘’perfect’’ is everywhere. You have to have the perfect body, the best grades and be one of the most popular kids at school. There are so many different ways to judge others. We jump to conclusions without knowing the facts; we judge based on how someone chooses to dress, what they say and how they act. Even the culture or religion is a part of how we choose to see someone. There is a quote saying ‘’ don’t judge a book by its cover.’’ And I think that the same goes for people. You should not judge someone based on their outlook, before you have gotten to know the

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