To Dr. Sherry Fraser, Provost, On September 21st, 2016 I received a letter from Dean Kush about charges that I am responsible for. I am aware of the behaviors that took place, but I believe that the decision was made contrary to existing College policy, and I believe the information used to reach a decision was inaccurate or incomplete. I write this appeal letter because I do not believe that the comments I made in the club group chat should be considered harassment. These charges can have a long term effect on my future, and I am very concerned. The student guide on page 41 describes harassment as conduct that creates or attempts to create an intimidating, hostile or offensive environment to another person. My comments were not intimidating,
This case involved a 17 year old student that was elgiable for the IDEA services at the school. The student explosively responded to the taunts of a peer by choking the student and then kicking out a school window as he was escorted to the principal’s office. Doe was suspended for 5 days. On the fifth day of Doe’s suspension, the San Francisco Unified School District (SFUSD) Student Placement Committee notified his mother that it was recommending his expulsion and that his suspension would continue indefinitely until the expulsion proceedings were complete. (Steketee, n.d.) The mother disagreed with this ruling and pressed further. The courts later granted the student a preliminary injunction, the trial court entered a permanent injunction
in each case involving imposition of a penalty or sanction, the accused , Christopher Booz, shall have the right to appeal the decision. This appeal is written and shall be delivered to the vice president for Student Affairs, the hearing officers, the adjudicatory body, and the president of the University- within 5 class days following the decision by the hearing officer or the assistant vice president for Student Affairs. As a student, I have not forfeit the right to any appeal or fail to file an appeal within the 5 class day period. This appeal to the vice president for Student Affairs is made on the following grounds: Lack of due process, i.e., when a student can show an error in the hearing; or arbitrariness in finding against the weight of the evidence, lack of substantial evidence, evidence that was not considered or available that would subsequently change the nature of the case.
This letter is being written in efforts to appeal the sanction on behalf of Kardaire Wright who is currently subject to our deepest concern. The incident that transpired between Mr. Wright and the victim Friday, November 10, 2017 was unacceptable and intolerable to the safety, expectation, values of Clarendon School District One. It is with immense regret and chagrin that Mr. Wright, who is a part of the Promise School program made such a poor decision to allow his anger, impulse, pride, and immaturity to get the best of him.
I’m writing to you, in hopes to appeal my academic dismissal of the nursing program at Adelphi University. I am aware that my grades are lower than required, and I take full responsibility for being on academic probation. I was surprised when I got the news that I have been dismissed from the nursing program because I did not receive any form of notification of dismissal from the University earlier. I was informed by my guidance counselor prior to the start of spring semester that I would say in the program as long as I did not obtain a lower GPA than I had. As a result of my GPA increasing I was surprised to receive the news of my dismissal. Despite this I believe that I did not handle my situation correctly and should have maintained sufficient grades to avoid academic probation. As stated before I recognize and
(Cleveland Bd. Of Ed. v. Loudermill, 1985). However, different guidelines may be sued in school decision depending on if it is an academic or disciplinary judgment (Harris v. Blake, 1986). For academic decision, the school can satisfy due process by notifying the student before termination or suspension. Disciplinary actions, however, require an oral or written notice of charges, an explanation of the evidence, and the opportunity to tell their side of the story. For this case, the Plaintiff argues his case is disciplinary and the court concurs. However, the procedures implemented by the Defendants satisfied the requirements for due process for a disciplinary dismissal. The May 26, 2010 letter written by Dean Agrawal provided notice to the
I am honored to be accepted to the Massachusetts College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences as an undergraduate student for the 2016-2017 academic year. I am thankful for all of the scholarships and grants that you have offered me. I am proud to be recognized for my academic ability and my willingness to succeed, particularly at this great institution. As you may remember from my application, my commitment to community service and academic excellence are ideals that led me to choose MCHPS as my top choice. These ideals correspond greatly to your mission and vision for the College.
Harassment is “undesirable behavior identified with an important protected characteristic, which has the reason or impact of damaging an individual's dignity or creating intimidating, threatening, degrading, humiliating or offensive environment for that individual".
• Harassment: behaviour deemed offensive by the recipient. Employees can claim they find something offensive even when it's not directed at them.
I am writing to request an appeal of my current dismissal status at Argosy University. I am enrolled in the Associate of Arts in Psychology degree program and I have failed the course English 101- Composition 1, due to a substance abuse problem that I have addressed by joining a program. Up until my first attempt with English 101- Composition 1, my grade point average was a 4.0. I was proud of myself being that it was my first time to ever make it on the President's List. I had so much satisfaction because not only I am doing something that I loved and enjoyed, but over the first few courses, I was able to recognize the knowledge that I have gained and use it in real life situations.
This is an appeals letter for the University Academic Appeals Committee. This is a letter of appeal for the summer Counseling Art Therapy Class with Phyllis Nodler. This was a hybrid class so I had been doing the pre- class work. As for class I was un- able to attend for medical reasons. I was sick starting in May and was in the E.R. on the 20th. I continued to have fevers and be ill and one of my doctors sent me back to the Boise E.R. on June 3rd. I had a spinal tap that day and was released. I continued to have fevers and was still ill, so I went back to the E.R. in Mountain Home on June 7th. They told me the spinal tap I had done showed Meningitis and I should have never been released; I was admitted. After that I was ambulanced to the
Thank you for writing. I would like to apologize for the inconvenience. The email address has been removed from our system and you will no longer receive notifications from us. If you have any additional questions, please feel free to contact our Client Relations team at the number listed below and any one of our advocate's will be more than happy to assist you.
I am writing to appeal my academic dismissal from Chamberlain College of Nursing. I understand that I have taken the NR 302 Health Assessment course two times at Chamberlain College of Nursing and have not been successful, which led to my dismissal. Receiving a dismissal letter on October 30, 2015, through my email was not a surprise to me, but I was upset with myself for pain that I caused to myself. This is my fault and I am fully responsible for this failure. I am writing this appeal letter to explain the reason of my failure and to appeal to you to please consider reinstating me for the spring session.
1. ) Harrassment is prohibited. You cannot harrass another student based on sex, race, religion, color, national origin, ancenstry, creed, pregnancy, marital/parental status, sexual orientation, or a physical/mental/emotional/learning disability.
I believe I'm supposed to e-mail you on whether or not I would like to take AP calculus this year. The answer is still yes. If I wasn't supposed to e-mail, well I supposes there's no harm done letting you know I'm still interested.
Incidents such as these are taken seriously by MTSU and Hosing and Residential Life. Any future incidents will result in additional disciplinary action up to and including termination. This is a verbal counseling and it will be made part of your file as of this date in Smith Hall; not your personnel file at Human Resources Services. You have the right to prepare a written response to this letter and have that response, if any, placed in your file. If you have any questions, please contact me