
Examples Of Hostility In The Lottery

Decent Essays

Hostility in “The Lottery” Shirley Jackson’s short story, “The Lottery” uses specific word choice and details to convey a hostile tone. As the lottery of death is coming to a closure, Jackson includes the words “It wasn’t fair!” and “Shut up, Tessie…” (31) to reveal the villager’s reaction towards Tessie’s family lottery ticket getting chosen. They are so insistent with each other to accept their fate, and allow themselves to be killed. There is no compassion for one another and they do not seem to be afflicted by who is chosen, unless it is them. Whether it is their neighbor, friend or even if a family member is chosen. Leading onto the detail, “Mrs. Delacroix selected a stone so large she had to pick is up with both hands…”(34). In the beginning

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