
Examples Of Language In Things Fall Apart

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Thesis: Language in Ibo culture plays a pivotal role in shaping everyday life, upholding values and lessons, and establishing opportunities for members of the community.

Body paragraph 1: Language often provides insight into the values of a culture. An example of this from Things Fall Apart is how the author uses proverbs to demonstrate how the young respect their elders. At one point, early in the story, Achebe talks about how the children take personality concepts from their parents. This is demonstrated when all the brothers come into Okonkwo’s hut, the eldest brother says, “When mother - cow is chewing grass its young ones watch its mouth” (Achebe, 71-72). This proverb relates to the story because it talks about how children look up to …show more content…

One first example of this is when Unoka was trying to pay back his debts. The elders say “the sun will shine on those who stand before it shines on those who kneel under them” (Achebe, 8). This proverb means that life will reward those who work hard, and in the book Unoka will pay back the debts to those who have worked hard first rather than those who have not worked hard. This is a crucial life lesson for the young to learn because they see first hand that if they do not work hard, they will be in debt and won't get repaid, but also they will not be respected because of their lack of work ethic. A second example of how Things Fall Apart teaches a life lesson is when Okonkwo ask Nwakibie for his yams. He tells him that he has a clear farm but, no yams to plant. Okonkwo says “ I am not afraid of hard work. The lizard that jumped from the high iroko tree to the ground said he would praise himself if no one else did” (Achebe, 21). This proverb is directly saying that when no one else is going to be there for you, you have to learn how to fend for yourself without the help and motivation from others. This reflects true character in Okonkwo because he wants to work hard and be able to fend for himself so he can gain his title, fend for his family, and not end up a failure. Last but not …show more content…

A first example of something that earns respect from the elders is the actions young take. During the book Okonkwo's actions help him gain respect from the elders. One of the elders said “if a child washed his hands he could eat with kings” (Achebe, 8) This proverb means that when a man takes responsibility for his own actions, and the elders feel he has earned his place it helps him gain respect. Okonkwo earns his respect from a young age by being a great wrestler, having a barn full of yams, and having three wives. A second example of how a man can earn his respect is by the actions he takes to gain that respect. In the book when Okonkwo goes to meet Nwakibie he brings a Kola nut to pay his respects for the services Nwakibie is helping him with. As the elders say “ A man who pays respect to the great paves the way for his own greatness” (Achebe,19). The indicated proverb states that when an adolescent pays his respect to an elder by bringing a gift it helps the elder or “great” people to give Okonkwo the respect he deserves. A final example of how the Ibo community provides opportunities for the young to become great is when Okonkwo was chosen by the nine villages to carry a message of war. The Ibo people say “When a man says yes his chi says yes also” (Achebe, 27). This proverb represents opportunity because the

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