
Examples Of Leadership In Othello

Decent Essays

Rebecca Gonzalez
Coach Woodard
ENG 2332
30 October 2015
Leadership in the Work of Othello

Part 1: Leadership is acquired from leading. To be a leader would mean to take control of a small or large group of people in a situation and provide guidance to them so they can be successful in achieving whatever they are trying to accomplish. Being in charge of a situation is an act of leadership.
To be chosen for a leadership position and for others to recognize someone as competent to lead, they must possess trust. Trust is associated with a trustworthy person. To be trustworthy would describe a person as honest, truthful and reliable. So for someone to have trust, is the belief that someone or something is undoubtedly capable of being able, truthful, strong, and reliable in a situation no matter the circumstance.
In terms of Othello, he finds leadership in being …show more content…

Iago is looking for revenge. He is angered and baffled at the idea that a man, “a great arithmetician/ One Michael Cassio… /” (I,i,20-21) gets promoted to lieutenant over him. Second, Roderigo is perfectly fine with Iago’s scheme for revenge, simply because Roderigo wants what Othello has. Roderigo is in love with Othello’s wife. Finally, Brabantio, Desdemona’s father, does not approve of the idea of his daughter marrying a Moor, who never even asked for his consent.
Although he may not be liked, Othello is still capable of being a good leader. Iago is all about not revealing his true identity or intentions to anyone. In (I, i, 61-71), he tells Roderigo that he'll never allow his "outward action" to show what's really going on inside of him. Iago says "I am not what I am," which is an inversion of God's line, "I am what I am" (Exodus 3.14), which is keeping the play's alignment of Iago with the devil. Othello can technically still be a good leader. His men will follow him until the time is right to strike against

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