
Examples Of Lowballing In Social Psychology

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Social Psychology demonstrates different techniques for convincing people to comply with a request while making the person appear consistent in their thoughts. For example, this comic strip relates to the idea of lowballing. Lowballing is what happens when an offer or deal is changed after it has already been agreed upon. The comic strip is similar to the idea of a car dealership retracting its’ offer after the salesperson knows that the person buying the car is already hooked, and that they are willing to pay anything to have the car. Social Psychology is present in our everyday lives. While the overlying principle of this cartoon is lowballing, it also demonstrates door-in-the-face. The salesperson knows that the first request is almost certain to be refused. This is shown when the salesperson makes the large request price, but lowers it in a “just for you” approach. The person making the purchase feels like they are “special” and should go ahead and take advantage of it. While the first price first seemed unreasonable, the price of four-thousand dollars makes people feel like they have no choice but to agree because they are plagued by the thought of how much money they are saving. In actuality, the only way that they would be saving money is if they did not make the …show more content…

Even though the person feels that they are being taken advantage, they go along with it due to the psychological principle of commitment. They chose to go to the store with an end game in mind. People do not go shopping just to waste time. They go with a purpose. Additionally, they feel that since they have already made a solid agreement with it, it would seem inconsistent to go back on the deal. This would lead to cognitive dissonance for them, so they avoid it. They feel the need to be consistent and to reciprocate the good deed (the cheaper price, even though they are now being trapped with extra

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