
Examples Of Multiculturalism In The United States

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Multiculturalism in the United States
In today’s world being different is not considered a good thing. Recent movements such as “Black Lives Matter” have sparked a flame to many people that being different is tough. Today, the United States of America is still struggling to accept diversity and individuality towards todays accepted status quo.
People are quick to judge when someone is different or out of the mainstream is. The judgments from others make it harder for people to accept who they are and in turn cause them to be afraid of who they are. “Of course, in a culture where homosexuals remain hidden and wrapped in self-contempt, in which their emotional development is often stunted, and late, in which the closet protects all sorts of self-destructive behavior that a more open society would not…” (Source F). By “hiding in the closet” they are being withheld from growing as a person. They cannot be the person they are and instead loathing it. They lose what made them an individual and instead are trying to conform to be normal. …show more content…

It is often imperative to be like the crowd in order to make friends and be well liked. “I never asked to be white. I am not literally white. That is, I do not have white skin or white ancestors. I have yellow skin and ancestors, hundreds of generations of them. But like so many other Asian Americans of the second generation, I find myself now the bearer of a strange new status: white by acclimation . . . . I have assimilated. I am the mainstream.” (Source A) Many people try changing who they are in order to be accepted into the status quo. In a white dominated country, people from different cultures have a harder time fitting in with their American peers. They leave behind parts of their culture and assimilate into the American way to be treated

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