Personal Narrative It was the year of 2013, I was going into 4th grade and school was just a month away. But it wasn’t the 4th grade that I was looking forward to, because my family was moving to a small town in Wisconsin named Mosinee. I grew up in a suburb just on the outskirts of the great city known as Chicago. I loved it there, and wanted to live there for the rest of my life; I guess my parents didn’t exactly feel the same way. Little did I know that this move would shape my personality and change me in many different ways. And ultimately, to make me a better person as a whole. When I told my very few friends that I was moving, they always asked why. I really didn’t have an answer and didn’t think about it that much. The day eventually came, and we had all of our stuff was ready, my family was ready, but I wasn’t. I couldn’t imagine a life without my normal friends and my normal school, and didn’t realize that this move would be one of the best things that has ever happened to me.
After we gave our hardest goodbye, I started my journey to my new house. I tried to stay optimistic, but that was very hard because I new that I wasn’t going to get another friend until school started, which was a month away. I also don’t have a relationship
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There was one more problem too, while I was friends with Mathias, I didn’t have any other friends. So I made it my mission to find my new Mathias. There was one kid named Cole Holtz, I told him about how I used to live in Chicago. He found my story very amusing we hung out more and more. We are still friends to this very day, and I find it incredible how a small story could spark a great friendship. He eventually introduced me to his friend named Caden Hrebik. Caden was a shy kid like I was at the time, so we got along very well. We called ourselves the three musketeers, and it was the of something great, for
The first friends I made went to church with me. Then I realized we went to school together also. I liked her, but sadly we split ways also. I went to the Early College, she went to the high school. I enjoyed the days we spent together in middle school. I made more friends and spent the summer with them. Before I knew it, I got a call from my older cousin, saying he was in the Air Force, and was moving to Montana. Tears streamed down my face, for he was an older brother to me. I was going to miss him the
I made new friends and went to the Magis Program every Saturday. I saw some friends ,but it was different now. I'm not in their lives anymore and they are not really in my life either. Pretty soon after, me and my friends stopped talking because we went to different school and life was different. I didn’t like it. I wanted to know what was happening in my old school and how everyone was doing. I was pretty sad and missed everyone. So school went by ,and me and my friends still saw each other ,but we weren’t as close as we were. So life went on 8th grade came and my decision came back. 8th grade year was fun I had made a lot of friends and a lot bonds with them. Some of the friends I made were going to go to St. Ignatius or St. Edwards or other private high schools. It was also my time to decide to which high school to go to. It was a hard decision so I delayed it. My friends from Magis also started talking to me again. They thought that I was still going to St. Ignatius. I was deciding whether to go Westlake High School or to go to Ignatius. I delayed the my decision until summer. So during 8th grade the whole 8th grade went to Washington D.C and I then realized that I didn’t to go to thru the same feeling again. So I told my old friends that Im sry one the last day of the Magis program before the summer camp
At the end of my first grade year, I moved away from the small, rural town near Vienna where I had lived since I was born. On my first day of school at Lincoln Elementary, I quickly made friends with two girls in my class named Pam and Kelly. Pam and Kelly introduced me to their group of friends that were all in our second grade class. For the rest of the school year, this group of friends was who I played on the playground with everyday and talked to in the classroom. After a great first year of school in Marion, the time came for my third grade year. Every year at Lincoln, there is a day that is close to the beginning of the school year where the students can come to the school to meet their new teacher and look at the class list to see which of their friends is in their class. On that morning, I went to Lincoln to find out who my new teacher was. To my dismay, I found out that all of my friends from second grade had a different teacher than I did. After finding out that I was not in class with any of my friends, I knew that I would have to find a new friend to talk to in my third grade class in addition to having all of my friends from second grade. At the beginning of my third grade year, I hung out with two friends I met named Phyllis and Erin. As the year progressed, I started to hang out with Angela who would soon become one of my best
On 18Oct16 at 1111 hrs. I, Deputy Halbasch, was dispatched to 19609 Hwy 226 for a disturbance.
At the end of first grade my parents decided to move. They wanted to move because they wanted to change schools for me, but are old house that I had lived at would only let us go too slv, and my parents didn’t want me to go to slv. So they decided to move. All though we had only moved across town, it felt like a world of difference. My old school was a small, desolate private school in Santa Cruz. We only had one class per grade. My first 1st grade class had only 17 kids. Now I was going to the big, scary elementary school with over 100 kids and more than 30 kids in my class.
In my junior year, I became friends with my best friends in the entire world. Brady, Kirstin, and I had almost all of our classes together, and we hung out every single day. We would say we were studying for physics or organic-bio chemistry. Sometimes we did study, but most of the time, we would just hang out and laugh uncontrollably for no reason at all. Fall of my junior year, I had to reconstructive surgery on my left ankle. I had two torn tendons on the outside of my foot, and a partial tear on the inside. I was in a cast for two weeks, and then a boot for three weeks. My ankle is fine now, but when I was in my boot, I got put under another time. One month after my foot surgery, I got my wisdom teeth taken out. It was a rough time for me, and I lost close to 15 pounds. I finally gained it all back when I was healed, but I struggled for about a month. Junior year, I also dated someone named Zak Floyd. We had been on and off almost all through high school. We finally started dating our junior year, and things never really got better. We argued about everything, but we were still best friends. We eventually broke up, but I think it was for the better. It was the week of second semester finals, and I was trying everything I could to get my AP Pre-Calculus grade up to a 93%. I ran out of time, and finished AP Pre-Calc with a 92.4% losing my 4.0. It is alright, though, because now I will be salutatorian. Between my sophomore and
Towards the end of my 8th grade year my mom told me that we would be moving again, but this time to a whole other state. Once again my heart dropped and I was devastated. I told my closest friends and they all cried with me. They threw me a little going away party and I hung out with my best friend from my old school before I left. I didn’t want to relive being the new kid again but I didn’t have much of a choice since I didn’t want to live with my
Moving away from all of your best friends can be a real tragedy in a sixteen-year-old teenagers life. It’s hard to get up and go eight hundred miles away from everyone you know and everything you grew up around. I had this happen to me about three years ago and it is the largest change I have ever had to adjust to in my life. It wasn’t the changes around me that I was bothered by; it was that I did not know one living soul for hundreds of miles and all I wanted was a friend.
Unable to open my eyes, waking up trying to identify where I was, pedestrians stared, pointed and yelled “Oh! My god. Call 911”. Cars drove by. The sirens were heard but not spotted. What Happened? Where was I? I wept as if the entire world, and all of its beauty, had come to an end. And in a way, it had. On the night of April 7,1997 my thin body flew from the backseat passenger side of a Nissan Sentra crashing through the front passenger window onto the roadway of Old Town, Staten Island.
This story is going to be about this one halloween and it was truly terrifying for me at least. This will take place when i was about nine years old and the year was 2014. It started out as every day and it was like any normal day and it was halloween and i had to go to school so here was this big party at the end of the day and we were going to have a 5 day weekend. So everybody was excited and it was party time there was a big school party then there was a classroom party. We were just waiting for recess so that the party would start cause they scheduled the party after recess and lunch. It was only twenty minutes after rescues and our teacher took 18 minutes to take us back inside.
My first two years in undergrad, I was a Broadcast Journalism student. Becoming an attorney was not y initial goal when I enrolled. I thought that I would make a promising career as a journalist. But as any other college student, I soon found out that I was too opinionated to have a career as a bias story teller. I became so uninterested in the field that I began to lack effort and just doing all that I could to pass. By my junior career, I was a C average student.
As a little girl I remember the excitement I felt going into first grade; this was going to be the year we would get homework, learn cursive, and get book reports assigned. Through the years I have noticed many people lack this yearning to learn and attend school- I found this disinterest astonishing, it was saddening to think that others weren’t excited to further their education. Though I never thought I would feel this way, when I was sixteen, my great- grandmother passed away; I found myself in this position of struggle. A loving and mother-like figure in my life disappeared from my life, This led to a series of altering events that in the end made me despondent. I felt alone. At this time of my life I experienced what it is like to not
Last year was a very difficult year for me and my family. My husband relocated our family for
In 2009 my parents had made a decision that was going to flip my world and everything I have ever known upside down. I lived in Tennessee with my mother, sister, and grandmother from the time I was five until I was the age of nine. My father who had been living overseas in Japan for five years had found a job that was going to bring us all back together as a family again. The only complication was that it was going to take me away from my friends I had grown up with and from the only town I ever knew. I had a plethora of mixed feelings about the move. I was eager to go to a new place and make new friends, but I was afraid because I was leaving my comfort zone and all the people I grew up with. I had such tight bonds with all of my friends through sports, cub scouts, school and our parents that it made it difficult to say goodbye.
Allison and I’s relationship is about to get lost in the abyss. I was going to be the cool big girl and go to fifth grade at the new school. That’s exactly what I did. I had left my best friend since diapers and moved across town to a new school. There started to be this tremendous tug between our friendship, making new friendships, school and after school activities. It began to be hard to talk for ten minutes a day on the phone. Slowly but surely we made new friends and both got new best friends that we were inseparable with but will always consider each other very close. We say that we are life long friends. Allison and I have one of those really special friendships that no matter if we don’t talk for months when we meet again it’s like we were never apart. Just a friendship I wanted to share.