
Examples Of Simile In God Of Small Things

Decent Essays

In the “God of Small Things”, Sophie Mol is displayed in the book as a beautiful girl for she is not only from England, but a mixed white Indian. Estha and Rahel, her cousins close in age, are unfortunately seen as both exiles and beastly for they are twins of their divorced mother, Ammu. The differences of approval is completely evident in the way that their aunt, Baby Kochamma , pressures both Estha and Rahel into recitations of prayer and English songs to please Sophie Mol (Roy, 83) . With the artistic style of the passage on page 33, Roy uses simile, word choice, and imagery to demonstrate Estha and Rahel’s forced acceptance of their family’s ugly obsession with Sophie Mol that in turns changes their lives forever. Roy’s usage of simile is extremely powerful to explain how …show more content…

As explained in the previous paragraph, Roy uses imagery such as burned houses and singed photographs to explain how their lives would become like hell. To dive deeper into the word choice, Roy not only uses hell like adjectives, but uses fragments to get her points across. In the first paragraph of this passage, it is evident that Roy uses fragments with only one worded or two worded sentences. She excludes the words preserved and accounted for, to bring more meaning to how their lives had changed. That the hell in which they were to live in would become preserved, and would be accounted for, because Estha and Rahel’s family would make sure of it. In the second paragraph, Roy uses the sentence fragment, “Little events, ordinary things, smashed and reconstituted” (Roy, 33). Roy specifically grouped these words together to indicated that the small things would amount to such huger problems in the end. That those small events would become a different story in the end as well. That they would foreshadow the life that Rahel and Estha were destined to have because they had been

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