
Examples Of Stereotypes In The Breakfast Club

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In the beginning of the Breakfast Club, 5 individuals arrived to detention. None of them belonged in the same group. They were all polar opposites. Never spoken a word to each other. However, toward the end of the movie they all realized they weren’t as different as they seemed. They all managed to find something in common and bond over it. Once they were done getting high they all sat in a circle and talked about themselves, about why they’re in detention and how they feel like they have to try and impress their families or prove themselves to someone. The Breakfast Club realized that they’re more alike than they think because they’re complete opposite social groups but they all somehow relate to each other. They see themselves in each other. If they never gotten a detention in the first place, then they wouldn’t have realized how similar they are to others around them. Each character in the Breakfast Club portrays a different high school stereotype. Now a days they might fall under a different name but they mean the same thing. Allison was a nut case, John is a criminal, Claire is a princess, Brain is the brain and Andrew is an athlete. Today, we still have these stereotypes. A princess might be considered a prep, popular, or plastic in today’s …show more content…

They might have a fall out with a friend in there own group at one point and join another or they simply make friends in another group and realize who true friends are and join one group. Cliques form by bonding over something. That’s how the group gets it’s name. If a group is all about sports than they’re athletes, if someone’s group is all about skating than they’re skaters. Depending on what clique you’re in, it can be good or bad. If you’re group is a bunch of druggies, they might not be the best for you. But if they’re the brainy group than hey they’re benefitting you and your grades. It all depends on what group you associate yourself

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