
Examples Of Stereotypes In The Breakfast Club

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The interesting, classic old fashion American film directed by John Hughes and also written by Ned Tanen called the Breakfast Club is a well known movie realised on the 2nd of May 1985. The movie is about 5 kids called Brian, Andrew, Claire, Allison and John who are stuck in detention with the nasty, mean and evil vice principal for different reasons. Together they get to know each other having lots of fights with each other at first but then in the end, everyone knows each other so well that they are all best of friends. It is one of the best movies in which uses lots off different variety of scenes and acting of particular personalities to be able to stereotypes of the six characters. One stereotype in particular is shown a lot across the …show more content…

The six characters Brian, Andrew, Claire, Allison, John and Vice principal all represent individually their own stereotype individually two characters which shows their stereotype individual stereotypes are Brian and Claire. Some evidence which proves Brian’s stereotype throughout the film are the group of teenagers are taking about what club they joined and when Brian said which club he was in. He said in extremely intelligent way that he was in the physics club and that all they do is talk about physics and a lot of nerdy things which most people wouldn’t get. This is a nerd stereotype as most nerds most the time like to study and are always talk in a way which makes people think that they know a lot. Another evidence which shows the nerd stereotype is when Brian was trying to break the fight between Andrew and John, when John gets close to him and threatens him, else than like Andrew standing up and standing straight and tall, it can be seen that Brian is backing away and is trying to get to apologies to John. This is a typical nerd stereotype as most nerds tend to not to have loads of confidence as they tend to get teased due to either their friends or especially people from the opposite

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