
Examples Of Strong Family Bonds In Night By Elie Wiesel

Decent Essays

Night by: Elie Wiesel

Family will always make an impact in any decisions you make. Elie Wiesel shows this very well in the book Night. The main character Eliezer and his father are sent to a concentration camp. During the time of them being there Eliezer stayed by his father’s side. Despite all the torturing and beating his father got, he still stayed by Eliezer’s side. Many other people show an example of strong family bonds during the reading of this book.Strong family bonds can sustain people through tragedy and hardship.

Losing the people you love can make you go crazy. In the book, Mrs. Schachter and her 10 year old son were on the train with Eliezer and his father. She complained a lot about how she was separated from her husband and two older sons. Later on the day “ Mrs. Schachter had lost her. On the first day of the journey, she already began to moan. She kept asking why she had been separated from her family. Later her sobs and screams became hysterical.” (24). This shows an example of strong family bonds because Mrs. Schachter was almost going insane being without her family …show more content…

Eliezer was sleeping when he heard people yelling “come on! Here’s another! My neighbor. He’s not moving…’ I woke from my apathy only when two men approached my father. I threw myself on his body. He was cold. I slapped him. I rubbed his

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