
Examples Of Triangular Theory Of Love

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Couple Contact:
Name: Benzley Lee Wai Heng
Contact Number/Email: 92725811 /
Name: Kee Wan Ting
Contact Number/Email: 93878145/

Background Information:
Benzley and Wan Ting both aged 18 met one another in school. They started out as friends and gradually got together as a couple. This shows that long interaction with one another can lead to the formation of relationships. New York social psychologist, Dr. Grace Cornish avers that romances that begin as friendships are more likely to succeed: "As friends first, you like each other first. You develop a respect for each other. You're looking out for each other's best interests. I urge people--marry your best friend."

Triangular Theory of Love
When asked if they share things openly with one another. Both of them agreed that they do share things openly with one another, be it about happenings in school, or problems faced in school or friends. This shows that they do not mind being close to one another, and are willing to take a step further to understand one another. …show more content…

Wan Ting was the one who usually started it. One of the conflicts was that Benzley could not handle her emotions well, not able to take care and support her in times of need. This shows that guys has less emotional capability as compared to girls. They got less empathy, and not able to put themselves in the other party’s shoes. Logical thinking vs emotional thinking: Men in general can take decisions without being emotionally affected that much while women in general take into consideration other factors that are related to emotions that most men overlook. research has showed that, in general, women are more sociallemotional in their interactions with others, whereas men are more independent and unemotional or attached in conversations (Chodorow, 1978; Dinnerstein, 1977; Eagly, 1987; Grilligan, 1982; Miller,

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