
Exegesis of Luke

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Carroll College | Exegesis of Luke 5:27-32 | Biblical Exegesis Paper | | | |

Jennifer Hess |

Exegesis of Luke 5:27-32
The passage that was chosen was Luke 5:27-32, or the calling of Levi. This passage presents Jesus telling Levi, a tax collector, to follow him. Levi does follow Jesus, and soon after they are having a banquet dinner with other tax collectors. Jesus is asked why he chooses to eat with them, and he simply responds with “It is not the healthy who need a doctor, but those who are sick. I have not come to call the righteous, but sinners to repentance.”
Levi is chosen to emphasize that he is of the worst sinners. The dinner with the sinners is a part of Jesus’ mission of this …show more content…

In verse 29, he is changed from Levi the tax collector to Levi (Matthew) the disciple.
Jesus exposes to the Pharisees that his point was to call sinners to repentance. The tradition of table fellowship was quite common among the Pharisees (Green 244). The dinner represents a festive event, depicting Levi’s leaving everything. By leaving everything, Levi has repented (Green 246).
Detailed Analysis
Luke’s talents include being an artist and a theologian. He was a master of Greek and can write elegantly in Greek. In his gospel, he uses a larger vocabulary than that of Matthew and Mark (McKenzie 525).
The Gospel of Luke was considered historical content that is still referred to Lukan themes today (McKenzie 525). Jesus and his morals are detailed in the gospel. This book is represented by a priestly calf. The calf is fitting because the book starts off with priests and ends with the calf (Just 2).
The writer of this gospel was most likely a Gentile Christian. The Gospel of Luke and the Acts of the Apostles were both written by the same author. The evidence comes from the prefaces in both books. Both are addressed to the same person (Theophilus) and both have cross-references to one another.
There are a couple lessons to be learned in this passage. The first is that Jesus reaches out to those who need him the most. Jesus reaches out to Levi in the passage because he needs him the most.
The second is the Jesus is trying to recruit the poor

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