
Exemplary Leadership Paper

Decent Essays

This week we discussed the first three principles of exemplary leaders: Model the Way, Inspire a Shared Vision, and Challenge the Process. Before you can begin your leadership journey, you must define your core values: what drives your decision making and gives your purpose. Kouzes and Posner (2004) wrote, “It’s essential to find your voice, because values serve as your guides” (p. 11). I chose the values of acceptance, kindness, loyalty, growth, and happiness; I feel these are what moves my heart and makes me want to be a better person each day. This week was a tough self-reflection. What really stuck with me the most is how challenging being a leader is for me as it goes completely against my behavioral style (ISFJ according to the …show more content…

Barger, Kirby, and Kummerow (1997) state that sensing types want to “focus on the pieces, parts, and steps: want to gather the full range of specific information available, fill in gaps, and resolve any contradictory information before making decisions” (p. 172). Then, even though I am an introvert and prefer to work alone, that doesn’t mean the pressure of implementing change falls only on my shoulders. The entire team can rally together to complete the task; and if I do not feel confident in a part of the change, I have others to help. Bringing my colleagues together, expressing what I want to change, and having them drive the change will create unity. An added benefit is working with my team will build relationships and lower my introversions around them. Finally, I cannot be afraid to fail. According to Kouzes and Posner (2004), “It is absolutely essential to take risks. Over and over again, people in our study tell us how important mistakes and failures have been to their success. Without those experiences, they would have been unable to achieve their aspirations” (p. 81). When the mistakes happen, I cannot freak out; I must remain calm and get back up

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