
Exercise Program Proposal

Decent Essays

The article, Exercise Program for Older Adults Improves Health and Catches on Around the Country, goes into depth about a program managed by senior services in Seattle, Washington, pertaining to a study on the elderly and the benefits of physical activity. Aging studies have found that people grow old at different rates, but it is inevitable that at some point there will be a decline in endurance, flexibility, balance and strength that occurs from natural aging. This natural occurrence has the possibility of leading to several negative impacts such as diminished independence and vitality which can lead to depression as well as increasing the likelihood of a disabling injury. After years of researching the positive benefits of physical activity, The University of Washington’s Health Promotion Research Center, a CDC Prevention Research Center (PRC), decided that they wanted to offer an exercise program in the setting of a community center. They thought it was wise to offer this program in a community based location like a senior center to promote dissemination and …show more content…

I would incorporate the findings of this study into my future practice by constantly educating my elderly patients about the benefits of exercise as stated in this study. Depending on my patient’s situation, I would figure out different kinds of physical activity pertaining to their disability or needs that they can do without causing harm. I may or may not have patients in senior centers but would always encourage group exercise classes and family involvement in my patient’s activity level whether it be joining them or helping them achieving their goals. Education is key in promoting and encouraging physical activity. I would use my critical thinking skills to develop a plan that is appealing to each of my patients so that they can further better themselves physically and

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