Exercising is Beneficial “Those who think they have not time for bodily exercise will sooner or later have to find time for illness.” -Edward Stanley
Most people are aware that exercising will benefit the muscles and help them to get to the desired weight they wish for. When exercising comes to the mind its usually because people want to be healthier and stronger, but my question is, what is stopping most people from partaking in exercise? Some may claim that they don’t have the time or they honestly could just be lazy. I am certain that the lack of knowledge of the benefits exercising produces is what stops the individual from getting motivated to get active. People would find time to exercise if they knew there was more to it than
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Out of three kids only one is physically active every day. The reason that the kids are falling away from everyday activity is because the adults are doing the same. The percentage of adults who participate in only thirty minutes of physical activity every day is below five percent. Out of every three adults, only one receives the amount of exercise recommended per week. Per the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the amount of people in America that are not achieving the suggested levels of physical activity are sixty percent. Having this many adults and kids inactive is dangerous and needs to stop now. Roughly eighty million people is far too many to be inactive and if we continue to go the rout that the people of this country are going then the numbers say that by year two thousand and thirty at least half of the adults of America will be obese. That is an astounding number to process because what that is saying is that if we continue to live the way we do than half of Americans will be obese in thirteen years. If we as human’s care about individual health, then these numbers should be enough to motivate anyone to find the time to partake in exercise. Most people understand the concept that by exercising, you are essentially making the muscles stronger, but what those same people may not consider is that when your muscles gain strength so does your bones. You may ask how does exercising help
America's children are not getting enough exercise, and the health risks due to obesity are becoming epidemic in nature. Even First Lady Michelle Obama is supporting an initiative to help children become more active and to provide for exercise (at least 30-60 minutes per day) in all schools. Even limited amounts of exercise can have great health benefits. When humans exercise, the brain produces chemicals that help enhance mood, limit cravings for sugars, and contribute to healthier joints, muscles, the heart, and kidneys. In turn, this translates into more productive work time, the ability to sleep better, increase memory, and reduce dependence on medications. Children are so vulnerable to this health risk that if it continues, over 60% of graduating seniors will be clinically obese. Written by a medical journalist, the book is designed for the lay reader but has a number of documented scholarly sources.
According to Healthwise, in an article titled, Why Is Exercise Important? “Our bodies were meant to move - they actually crave exercise. Regular exercise is necessary for physical fitness and good health.” (Healthwise, 2010).
There is a growing epidemic in our country, its called obesity. In fact, according to the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), childhood obesity has doubled in children and quadrupled in adolescents in the past 30 years, and in 2012 more than one third of children were overweight and obese. There are countless reasons as to why this epidemic has gained so much weight over the recent decades, often people say; it is an inherited tendency to put on pounds, lack of good nutrition and diets, or simply because we are too busy or too lazy to exercise. The truth is, physical activities and dietary behaviors of young Americans are influenced by many sectors of society. Including; the families and cultures we
Physical inactivity is the first cause of heart disease. The recommended exercise per week is 150 minutes, but many do not even do half of that. Often time’s people purchase a membership to a gym so they can exercise; however, the gyms are always empty. The same goes for public parks; most of the time they are always empty or only have a couple of people. It is said that, people with gym memberships stop going after five months, and that most people do not go because laziness takes over the body and mind. In the American society, citizens have become very indolent when it comes to exercising and maintaining their correct weight and proper BMI (Body Mass Index). Physical inactivity develops into heart disease when the heart is not being “worked
According to Dr. Claudia Walther, a doctor from the Heart Centre of the University of Leipzig, “People today have different lifestyles than in the past...they’re less active…” Currently, exercise is portrayed as too hard and people have become lazy. They don't want to have to work and spend time exercising.
Today's world is full of modern conveniences. Communication is at the touch of a button, you can drive right to the window and get handed a greasy, hot meal, and even walking has become bothersome. Trying to find that spot closest to the door is worth driving around the lot five times. Kids play more in virtual reality than outdoors, and parents who are strapped for time settle on quick, processed meals for dinner. Unfortunately, we've created an environment fit for the lazy. Instead of having to preform physical activities to function throughout the day, we must find time for physical activity, which might not be realistic for everyone. The fast food industry and quick processed dinners feed the consumer with no time for exercise, and the
Obesity is one of the biggest problems in America today, luckily we have people like First Lady Michelle Obama who are on the front lines of the fight against this issue. As our next generation of children grow up obesity will be a battle for them everyday and will continue to be a battle unless we begin to make an effort to solve this problem. Childhood obesity rates have tripled over the last three decades, this statistic alone should be alarming enough to create a sense of urgency in anyone’s mind. I notice younger children everyday who are overweight and out of shape and ask myself every time what their parents must be thinking to be okay with that. The truth of the matter is that many people are simply not educated enough on how to live a healthy lifestyle and what steps to take to eat healthier and begin exercising on a regular basis.
Overview: We should all at least try and get into the habit of exercising. If you were to start exercising today remember it give us not just a better physical state but mental as well. Living for a very long time is a great
According to Alyssa Brown, “51% of adults want to lose weight, [but] barely half as many (25%) say they are seriously working towards that goal. This discrepancy between Americans’ weight-loss desires and behaviors has existed for years”(Brown). According to society, the definition of a healthy person is someone who exercises often and eats healthy foods. Even though people want to be healthy, becoming healthy is a hard task. Surely it is much easier to lay around at home and eat chips than to work out at the gym. Maybe this is why obesity rates are on the rise. A medical study estimates that “75% of the U.S. population will be classified as overweight or obese or obese by the year 2020” (NewsMax). People wonder, what is the solution to this
The rate of childhood obesity has grown an enormous amount over the years with more than 40 million children being overweight! That number is astonishingly high and it is very obvious that something needs to be done about this. Studies had shown in 2008 that more than 40 million children were said to be overweight and the sad truth is that they are still increasing rapidly to this day; also every 1 in 4 teenagers is said to not reach the fitness guidelines (Tanner) according to an article by Lindsey Tanner. For this problem to be resolved not only do the parents of children need to make sure their kids are staying active but also, the schools they attend need to make sure they are getting a well-balanced meal and have some type of physical activity during their school day. Each state in America is given a percentage rate on the number of obese people in that particular state. The highest ranking state is Mississippi with a percentage of 34.9 and the state ranking the least is Connecticut with 24.5 percent. Different researches have shown that each day 850 lives are taken due to obesity and each year there are more than 300,000 people that die from obesity related illnesses. These are deaths that most likely could have been avoided if these individuals would have had the proper exercise and diet in their lives.
In today’s society, technology has played a big role in everyone’s lives and has taken over. Kids today stay inside and play on the computer, watch TV, play video games, or mess with tablets and smartphones. Several people find other, more entertaining things to do than play outside and be active. Some of the times, physical education in schools is the only physical activity students have on a daily basis (“Obesity”). Kids and teenagers would much rather be wrapped up in a social network than going for a job or going to the gym. Back in the day, playing outside was one of the few entertainments. Parents have no discipline and let their children do what they want to their bodies. Technology has caused people to be less active and not as self-controlled causing them to be obese or overweight later in life.
According to the National Center for Health Statistics, the number of obese children ages 6-19 have tripled to 16% over the last twelve years. That is an alarming figure. One of the main causes is lack of physical activity. This may seem like an obvious cause, but it seems to be the one our youth have the most problems with. Physical education is being
Exercise is one of the most important factors in a persons’ life. Physical activity, or the lack of it, can result in a person having a healthy life or cause them to have diabetes. The benefits of exercise are countless. The positive health results, the improvement in attitude, even better academic performance are all factors which make not exercising inexcusable.
Many people are not getting enough exercise for a variety of reasons. Not everyone knows how much exercise is enough for a start, and so they may think that they've done enough because they go for a long walk a couple of times a week. Other people have a better idea of what they should be doing to keep fit, but just cannot find the time. It is particularly difficult for those who work full-time and have other commitments, such as family, which demand much of their time. Then, there are those who simply cannot be bothered to exercise. They could probably find the time if they wanted, but they don't want to, and so they don't.
We live in a world where obesity has become an epidemic. Despite all the technology we have, our lives have become more hectic. People struggle to make time for anything, much less exercise.