
Expectancy Violation Theory

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The first source I will evaluate is Sidelinger and Bolen. In their article Compulsive Communication in the Classroom: Is Talkaholic Teacher a Misbehaving Instructor? Sidelinger and Bolen, used the Expectancy Violation Theory to frame associations between teacher’s compulsive communication and their behavior or misbehavior. The expectancy was used to measure nonverbal immediacy and compulsive communication and affective learning. Sidelinger and Bolen, (2015) states that expectancy violations theory (EVT) explained the results. As a desired communication behavior, EVT predicts that perceiving positive communication styles (such as nonverbal immediacy) from a violator will positively influence the violation valence
The second source is from Fuller, Biros, Burgoon, and Nunamaker. There article An Examination and Validation of Linguistic Constructs for Studying High Stakes Deception, the focus was to shine light on the depth of deception, examining interrelationships among 150 potential verbal and nonverbal communication indictors. Though this article did not delve in the Expectancy Theory, I believe the connection was in the theory of deception. When we are expecting a certain interaction or response we can be deceive by the result of the expectancy, hence, the expectancy is violated.
The third source is from Lynn Dee Gregory. In the article Mapping Expectancy Violations Self-reflection and Planning for Better Communication, Gregory hone in on communication expectancies. Burgoon

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