
Explain How Much Sleep Is The First Thing To Get Rid Of Time Essay

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Twenty-four hours is the amount of time everyone gets in their day no matter who they are. Therefore everyone has to decide how they are going to spend that time. This is where priorities comes in. Most people would think that sleep is be a given to get rid of as “sleep, just like food and water is a biological need, and your body will tell you when it's not getting enough” (Esherick 15), but in today's society sleep is the first thing to get rid of. It seems like it would be most logically as everyone has made it through a day lacking sleep, however they might not realize how much it affects everything else they do in their day. Imagine being a student in high school. They get up early everyday to go to school for seven hours, then go to work or practice for an extracurricular activity. Once they get home they still have to do homework for a couple hours. High school students …show more content…

“Being tired can make us less able to cope with the demands of our days” (Esherick 65). Other than just feeling tired in general there are many side effects like being unable to focus, pay attention, concentrate and even have memory difficulties. These all can be connected to not sleeping enough at night. This can make school immensely hard for say a student that was at a sporting event late the night before. It is not their fault, but still suffer the consequences. Research shows that adequate sleep and clear thinking are linked together (Eshrick 70) showing that students will not perform as well when tired. Along with poor school performance, some other consequences of lack of sleep are increased risk of “unintentional injury and death, low grades, negative moods, and increased likelihood of stimulant use” (Eshrick 64). These examples show how serious sleep is needed for the body to perform the way it should because if not, the outcome will not be

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