
Health Behavior Change : Sleep Deprivation

Decent Essays

1. Identify Issue & Health Behavior Change

Sleep Deprivation is the issue that prevalent among university’s first year students. According to Hershner & Chervin (2014) , half of the university respondents indicated daytimes sleepiness and 70% attain insufficient sleep .
In order to maintain a good sleeping pattern , it is necessary to develop a good sleep hygiene. Good Sleep hygiene is defined as the ability to obtain good nighttime sleep and full daytime alertness ( National Sleep Foundation , 2016).In other words , an increase and regulation of daily amount of sleep are important.

National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute (2012) stated that the recommended amount of sleep for adults is 7-8 hours a day. However , personally my weekday’s sleeping hours is approximately 5.5 hours everyday. Sleep Deprivation may trigger mood disturbance like depression and anxiety , decrease in academic performance due to reducing memory and concentration and increase calorie consumption (Trockel, Barnes, & Egget, 2000).Moreover , the release of cortisol can depress the immune system which make oneself more vulnerable to illness like cold or fever and the increase of upper respiratory infections like headaches can also be seen in university student with sleep deprivation(Irwin, 2002). Importantly, more health consequences of sleep deprivation such as greater use of marijuana , smoking and alcohol abuse are germane to university students (Kloss et al., 2016).

In order to prevent chronic

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