
Explain The Sequence And Rate Of Each Aspect Of Physical Development

Decent Essays

In class we discussed many factors in how young children develop and learn. One of the topics we discussed was physical development The first element of physical development in young children that we discussed is Gross Motor. Gross motor can be defined as the use of large muscles groups in the body, such as legs and arms. When it comes to gross motor, there a few things to remember. One of these things is that different parts of a child’s body develop at different rates. Gross motor skills tend to appear first since large muscle development occur earliest. A second thing to remember is that during the first year of child’s life, most of the development happens in the trunk. Toddlers and preschoolers have a tendency to fall more because the legs aren’t fully developed yet. When children start to walk, give them support until their legs can support them to sit or stand. Examples of activities that involve the large muscles would …show more content…

Being efficient in this skill greatly impacts the outcome of tasks. Increases the rate at which the task gets completed. Completely such tasks often requires multiple small muscles working together ( Fine motor skills are necessary for performing everyday tasks. Without these abilities a child’s self esteem, and academics, will suffer. Also, without these skills, a child is unable to develop independence in life ( One thing parents should remember about small motor development in their young child is that it is different at different ages. It’s good for a child to explore the world around them. IT gives them the opportunity to the develop those small muscles. Some activities that a child could do that involve the small muscles include: drawing, throwing, picking up blocks, and grasping

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