
Explain The Strengths And Weaknesses Of Social Work

Decent Essays

Developmental social workers operate from a strengths perspective
Empowerment models explore the strengths which people have. The way in which they overcome hardship is viewed as evidence of their resilience and power. The strengths perspective focuses on human resourcefulness, passion, energy, curiosity, and creativity (Gray, 2002). The strengths perspective has confidence in that people have power over their lives and that all people are capable of changing their lives. However, this is contingent on the creation of an environment conducive to human growth and fulfilment. The social worker facilitates the removal of obstacles that get in the way of healthy development. These obstacles might be within the mind-set of clients, such as negative thoughts or lack of faith in their own ability, or in the system, such as negative labels and stereotypes, or in policies, …show more content…

Underlying the political actions of social workers is their drive to right some wrong, to bring some improvements to policy, or to change some practice that harms the well-being of people they represent. One important dimension of social workers’ political activity is usually referred to as the ‘policy dimension’ of social work practice where social workers implement, analyse, comment on, influence, and generally work towards making policies fair and significant. This is important because policy is the vehicle through which the voiceless are given access to services and resources, as well as to protection from harm. Thus social workers’ pursuit of social justice, by its very nature, gives their work a political dimension. They are lobbyists, advocates and activists. Thus one way in which social workers engage in social development is through their political activities intended at securing social justice and human rights for their clients and

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