
Explain The Structure And Function Of Enzymes

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Discuss the structure and function of enzymes:
a. Describe the structure of an enzyme as a protein. Describe the resulting enzyme structures that are a result of protein folding.
The structure of an enzyme as protein has a primary, secondary, tertiary, and sometimes quaternary structure. The primary structure of an enzyme, like any protein, is the order of its amino acids. The secondary structure involves alpha helices and beta pleated sheets. Alpha helices are a coil that is formed by hydrogen bonding between every fourth amino acid. Beta pleated sheets are formed by hydrogen bonding between two or more parts of the polypeptide chain that are side by side. The tertiary structure contains disulfide bridges, ionic bonds, hydrophobic interactions, and hydrogen bonds. Disulfide bridges are the result of two sulfhydryl groups interacting because the the folding of the protein. Ionic bonds can form between polar groups on amino acids. Hydrophobic interactions are the cluster of amino acids with nonpolar side chains that is commonly seen in proteins. Hydrogen bonds can also form. The quaternary structure of an enzyme is when multiple proteins are bonded together in one complex made of proteins subunits. b. Describe how an enzyme functions in a synthesis and decomposition reaction. Related to energy.
During a decomposition reaction energy is released. The reactants have more energy than the product. The change in free energy is negative, so the reaction occurs spontaneously.

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