
Explain Why Children Should Not Play Violent Sports Essay

Decent Essays

People are normally surrounded with numerous youth sports, adult professional and recreational leagues as well as passionate fans. However, it is only small percentage of the population across the globe that plays sports in professional manner (Holowchak & Reid 2013). The question as to whether children should be allowed to play violent sports is usually asked by many people on daily basis. Some sports tend to be fast paced and physical which makes them to be exciting and fulfilling. There are numerous positive impacts of playing and viewing sport activities. But some sports have a violent nature in them and they normally have psychological effect and can as well affect emotional and physical health (Delaney & Madigan 2009). Therefore, children should not play violent sports. Many adults and parents normally use this common phrase let them go and play it is healthy. Many of them are under the thought that putting aggression in a certain sport is a healthy means for aggressive energy. However, this might not be the appropriate and accurate approach. Holowchak and Reid (2013) argue that exposure to violent behaviour or aggression within any …show more content…

Children are continuing to learn and their brains normally quickly pick up and grasp what they hear and see (Holowchak & Reid 2013). Allowing children to play violent games can make them perceive things such as committing murder as being acceptable and normal thing in the society. Violent games are realistic that children normally take them seriously. Allowing children to play violent video games can make a child to be lazy and avoid going out to play with other children. Even when they go outside to play, they will games that are violent and this makes them to be too violent (Delaney & Madigan 2009). Therefore, children should not play violent games because it makes them feel that violence is what makes someone to be regarded as a

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