1. Why is it important to interact with your instructors in college? It is important to interact with instuctors in college so yu can be inform and know whats going on in the class. 2. Give an example of something important you may miss in a class from which you are absent—even if you read a friend’s notes and hear a recording of the lecture. I remember I missed an review on math that day and the next day when I went back we had a test on what the teacher went over. I regetted not be there becasue it counted a huge part of my grade. 3. List at least three potential benefits of forming a network with other students. One potential bebefit of forming a network with other students is sharing notes, having group studies and being parterns
3. Describe at least one connection between the reading and topics from outside class (other classes, news stories you’ve seen, etc.)?
this class in the morning instead of later in the afternoon. When I picked up my books a couple of days before the
I am involved with even more students within my school now. I expanded my circles when I was explaining what the club is and convincing new people to join the club. Now with regular meetings I am becoming more immersed into these new social circles helping me to understand their needs along with mine.
In this week June 11th through June 14th of 2018 at College of the Desert I have learned three specific topics in my english class with Professor Tapleshay. For a start, my first topic is learning good habits on engaging with my fellow classmates in the Edge program at COD including Professor Tapleshay. In fact, to also get rid of the closed doors that kept my voice locked up for four years at Rancho Mirage High School. My second topic is about the three rules of Professor Tapleshay’s class which are number 1. Show up, number 2. Show up on time and number 3. Do your work. To add on, these three fundamental rules impact my attitude by making me realize how the COD college level classes are going to be this fall which shows how I need to have
It was my last class of the semester, and the final exam was worth 30% of our grade.
On November 15,2016, I attended a Beta Alpha Phi professional meeting. The topic for this meeting was on networking. The two presenters were Amy Anholt from Dental Select and Eli Willis from Steel Concepts. Both presenter are Weber State Alumni, and the presenters know one another from their time at Weber State. Both presenters emphasized the importance of networking, not only while an individual is attending school, but to continue networking for the entirety of his or her career. The presentation was a collaborative effort on the part of Amy and Eli who began with a statistic stating that 85% of jobs are found through networking (Linkedin, Feb 2016.) The presenters listed several ways a student is able to network while in school.
It was just questions of the day and then a few Kahoot games as a review. Next week, the students will be having a quiz on sections 1-2. My cooperating teacher and myself are curious to see if it helps the students do better when it comes time for the tests. There was also a scare at the school. We were going to leave at 3:00pm. However, while I was putting in the grades, I did one class and then I was looking at the grades online and it was extreme different than what they should have been. I had not changed the page, etc. So, when the teacher had gotten back I ask him, and here I was somehow on the page for the grades of the whole year. We did not know if I had changed anything, so we were going through all the classes in different nine weeks. False alarm, we did not leave until 3:30ish. I have Friday and Monday off so there is a nice break and more time to prepare for next
Meeting with the Community College Professor to discuss about the internship opportunity for students. I feel this is important because I want to give students more internship opportunity such as: show them what the working world is like, teach them important skills, such as a time management and computer skills, help them choose a major, inspire a career choice many more. University of NH said that “An internship gives the students the opportunity to enhance their academic learning through hands on application while learning about the workplace and their chosen fields of study.” More opportunity students get more image of our college well get better. The reason for saying that our college image will be good is because if we have more opportunity
“Many first-generation college students notice that their classmates are much better prepared for demanding college work than they are. As you make connections with other students in and out of class, you can also call on them for help, feedback, and advice.” (Cushman, 2006, Chapter 4)
For my office hour meeting, I met with my EDUC 123 professor, Cailen Birtles. This was meeting was because of the attendance policy in the class. I had missed a class due to being on vacation and had to set up a meeting. In this paper, I will reflect on how I set up the meeting, how the meeting helped me, and how I felt during and after the meeting.
With the increase in enrolments and the size of the overall student population; students began to become familiar with and develop close association with the peers with whom they enrolled.
Most communication between college students take place in either inside the classroom or in online classroom forums (cyber-communication) and maybe outside the classroom if there are class projects that need to be completed.
What is the most important concept that you learned in this class? Write this for a reader who is unfamiliar with the concept.
We first learned the legislative branch and took our first quiz. It night before I studied my notecards until I knew them like the back of my hand. It was right before the quiz and I was having a panic attack. I walked out of that class knowing I did great. I looked at my grades that night and got an A+.
It would go on our final report card and would happen to fall right on the week of the Lab test. My parents got a tutor for the Lab test so that I would be prepared and would have a good chance of getting in. When I first met my tutor, he sat me down and showed me all of the possible things that could be on the test.