
Explain Why It Is Important To Follow When Handling Activities

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1. Start them on a routine.
Pack your child's schoolbag together, showing him how it is done and slowly let him do it by himself.

2. Remind him to be responsible for his belongings even though the items are labeled.

3. Remind your child to inform you of all messages from school.

4. Share your own school stories, friends, teachers, and your love of learning with your child.
The positive sharing will help boost your child’s enthusiasm for starting school and alleviate his anxieties.

5. Money matters.
Teach them how to count money and remind them to be responsible for it at all time.

6. Buying food.
Teach them how to queue properly, to ask for the price of the food, how to receive change and return their utensils.

7. Health and hygiene. …show more content…

8. Safety.
Remind them to walk, not to run, in the school compound. 9. Contact Mum and Dad.
Jot down your phone numbers in a notebook for them to bring along to school.
Remind them to use the telephone in the general office to contact you should the need arise. In this way, the child will feel safe knowing how to contact their you if anything happens.

10. Know the school rules.
Know the school rules in advance.
Pre-empt your child of what is expected of him in school, such as code of conduct, dress code, and canteen rules.

11. Obtain school supplies.
Purchase the textbook and stationeries together as a family so that your child feels involved.

12. Arrange for School transport (if necessary).

13. Believe and learn to let go.
Don’t be over-protective of your child, prepare them to be independent. Believe in your child’s ability to adapt to his new school

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