
Exploratory Behavior Lab Report

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Exploratory Behavior of Rats in an Open Field Apparatus after Administration of Lithium Chloride Meryl Jacob Neuroscience Lab Methods 4353.104, UT Dallas Abstract Rats’ exploratory and risk taking behavior was investigated under the influence of Lithium Chloride (LiCl). An open field apparatus was used to examine and measure exploratory and locomotor behavior in rats treated with lithium chloride as well as rats injected with saline solution. Data was analyzed by t-tests and showed that lithium chloride decreased locomotive behavior in rats compared to those injected with saline solution. The results were consistent with previous experiments and their findings of decreased locomotive behavior with lithium chloride. Introduction Fear and anxiety can be inferred through locomotive and exploratory behaviors. Typically rats stay in dark, close-knit environments and when placed in a new environment, they instinctively are afraid but also are curious about the open space around them. They can choose to explore the new environment or to stay where they feel comfortable (in darker areas, near edges). We can use their locomotion to measure their level of anxiety, and their exploratory behaviors (how far from the outer parameters …show more content…

Rats injected with saline solution performed center line crossings as well, t(22) = 2.16, p=0.042 (figure 2). Compared to the lithium chloride treated rats, the control group also spent more time in the center of the apparatus therefore showing more locomotive and exploratory behavior, t(22)=2.54, p=0.0186 (figure 3). Rats injected with LiCl solution performed significantly less total and center line crossings but also spent less time in the center of the apparatus; therefore, these rats spent more time in the outer edges of the apparatus and less locomotive

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