Before beginning the quantitative research report, we had to had complete an exploratory research report. This was necessary as it allowed us to see trends in relation to healthy eating. The exploratory research mainly consisted of qualitative questions as we wanted to see if there was any relationship between a cupcake and a chicken and spinach sandwich. After analyzing the results of the survey, we were able to get a better insight of the perceptions and preferences that consumers have when it comes to eating and purchasing healthy food.
Some of the more interesting things that we gained from reviewing the survey results was that consumers would rather eat a chicken and spinach sandwich over a cupcake. The main reasons for this was that a chicken and spinach sandwich would not only count as a proper meal but it’s also a healthier option than the cupcake. Another interesting thing that we found was that consumers feel as though it is more expensive to eat healthy than it is to eat unhealthy. In the end, the most interesting thing that we found from the survey was that consumers were divided on the fact that organic food was a healthier option as compared to non-organic
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Due to the fact that consumers had mixed opinions on the healthiness of organic food, we decided that creating a quantitative research survey would serve as a good opportunity to find more information on this topic. Our hypothesis was that organic food is perceived as a healthier option when comparing it non-organic food, indicating that consumers are willing to pay more organic products. Ultimately, our research question and hypothesis relates to healthy eating as it illustrates how some consumers feel eating organic food is heathier, while some consumers feel that eating organic food isn’t any healthier than non-organic
Currently in Fairfax County, Virginia access to child care, and being able to afford it are often crucial determinants in deciding if both parent will work. Most families have three options for securing child care. First, parent(s) can stay at home and care for their children. Which is an option that my family and I chose because child care is so expensive we could not afford it nor do we qualify for subsidized child care. Second, parents can pay for child care out of pocket.
Today an increasing desire from consumers is to have healthy and organic product offerings. While
Today’s society where people are more informed and health conscientious; the sales of organic and natural foods has shown an
Using the Mayo Clinic as a reference, I have developed the following opinion on organic foods that takes into account the financial aspects as well as the health ramifications of eating or not eating organic foods.
But as consumers are only willing to pay the extra money for organic food mainly for any health benefits they associate with organic foods, such health benefits should be significant enough to warrant this inflated price. Studies demonstrate that the advantages of organic food are relatively small and even some disadvantages were found. Although correlations were found between a few health benefits and eating organically (reduced risk of non-Hodgkin lymphoma in subjects who eat organic foods more and mitigation of allergic dermatitis from consuming organic dairy products), these correlations were the only ones found amongst hundreds
From the now popular recyclable cloth grocery bags, to the organic garden at the White House, food, and the food industry is changing. The popularity of organic and whole foods is on the rise. Processed foods are increasingly advertising that they are additive and preservative free, and all sorts of products now offer a “gluten-free” variety. The popularity of what is now being called the sustainable food movement, leads many to wonder why are some people willing to pay more, sometimes double, for organic produce, meat, eggs, and milk. Will this prove to be just another trendy American fad, or are there real health benefits from eating organic and whole foods? While the organic market only represents approximately 3% of the total food
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In 2015 the American Federal Government received 3.176 trillion dollars in taxes (‘’, 2015). In the same fiscal year, the American Federal Government spent 3.759 trillion dollars. Those trillions were collected by its Internal Revenue Service which is governed by Internal Revenue Code. The Internal Revenue Code is 74,608 pages long. For comparison the New American Edition of the Holy Bible is 1,900 pages. American taxpayers don’t want tax professionals; American taxpayers need tax professionals who specialize in navigating the current labyrinth that is the IRC. Americans are obligated to pay for the services the government provides. There’s an old saying about “a fool and his money”. Americans may be some the most charitable people in history, but they would be foolish not to protect themselves from overpaying taxes. It is virtuous to attempt to save the wealth one has generated in ones lifetime in order to secure prosperity for their families and posterity.
Your children are your pride and joy. As they get older, you start considering a return to the job market. While you want to reenter the job market, you now have a time gap on your resume. In reality, this time gap can actually be a benefit if you use it right. If you format your resume properly, you can turn your family life into an advantage.
In recent years, many people don’t go more than a few days without hearing about organic foods in one way or another, whether it be through the media, friends or the numerous labels at the grocery store. For me, whenever someone brings up organic foods, they always put them on a pedestal of health caused by people’s recent disgust with the industrialized way we produce foods, which, to be fair, is not unfounded. I had assumed it was a bunch of gibberish, however, the data suggests a more ambiguous answer.
Thesis: Choosing to purchase and consume organic food is a smart and healthy choice for you and your family.
Over the last few years, awareness of organic food has risen. Due to this, the demand for organic food is a factor which is influencing the farmers to switch to use this technique, and it is being sold in specialty stores and conventional supermarkets. Organic products contain numerous marketing claims that it is healthier, it offers more value, and the farming is more environmentally friendly than traditional foods, so, how does one determine if organic is the way to go? Some argue that there is evidence that supports and demonstrates why organic foods and farming are better overall, while others insist that conventional foods and agriculture can offer the same benefits as going organic. There is no right or wrong answer. Within this
Barlow, B., Hemminger, L., and Schlegel, B. (2006). Is Organic Food Worth the Extra Cost? Retrieved from Environmental Health Perspectives website:
The benefits of organic foods are well known. There are numerous studies in the field that have identified the benefits that organic foods have on individuals' health. There are also numerous studies that reveal the effects that fast food has on people. Certain governments in different companies develop campaigns intended to increase awareness on such issues, and to modify the eating habits of people in these countries. However, it is difficult to reach this objective when customers have numerous fast food restaurants to choose from. These restaurants provide fast service at smaller prices, and this is what most customers want.
The results we got were very surprising, yet very insightful. The first question was whether our respondents would be more satisfied with a cupcake or a chicken and spinach sandwich. The majority of the respondents chose the chicken and spinach sandwich due to the fact that it was more filling and a healthier option. Many respondents decided that a cupcake would not benefit them as much because it was not only unhealthy but it wouldn’t count as a proper meal. Next, we