
Exploratory Paper

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Before beginning the quantitative research report, we had to had complete an exploratory research report. This was necessary as it allowed us to see trends in relation to healthy eating. The exploratory research mainly consisted of qualitative questions as we wanted to see if there was any relationship between a cupcake and a chicken and spinach sandwich. After analyzing the results of the survey, we were able to get a better insight of the perceptions and preferences that consumers have when it comes to eating and purchasing healthy food.

Some of the more interesting things that we gained from reviewing the survey results was that consumers would rather eat a chicken and spinach sandwich over a cupcake. The main reasons for this was that a chicken and spinach sandwich would not only count as a proper meal but it’s also a healthier option than the cupcake. Another interesting thing that we found was that consumers feel as though it is more expensive to eat healthy than it is to eat unhealthy. In the end, the most interesting thing that we found from the survey was that consumers were divided on the fact that organic food was a healthier option as compared to non-organic …show more content…

Due to the fact that consumers had mixed opinions on the healthiness of organic food, we decided that creating a quantitative research survey would serve as a good opportunity to find more information on this topic. Our hypothesis was that organic food is perceived as a healthier option when comparing it non-organic food, indicating that consumers are willing to pay more organic products. Ultimately, our research question and hypothesis relates to healthy eating as it illustrates how some consumers feel eating organic food is heathier, while some consumers feel that eating organic food isn’t any healthier than non-organic

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