
Exploring The Value Performance Coaching

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In recent years there has been an increased interest in coaching. The term coaching is relatively new, however Leonard-Cross (2010, pp.36) suggests that it has been around for centuries and today, it is acknowledged as good management practice (Redshaw 2000, pp.106). Coaching comes in multiple forms, carries various conceptualisations and benefits a magnitude of situations (Redshaw, 2000; Hamlin and Ellinger, 2009; Brown and Grant, 2010; Leonard-Cross, 2010). Forms vary from performance and business coaching to sports and life coaching. With this in mind, this essay will critically analyse what coaching is and explore the value performance coaching holds to organisations, this will be undertaken with reference to key coaching models and …show more content…

To conclude the definition of coaching, one can state that it is an ongoing facilitative relationship with a focus on effective learning, progression and action planning. Performance coaching in this light will take a similar definition, although coaching sessions may primarily take place within the workplace.
The concept of coaching has been challenged for many years with the various conceptualisations of the term coach or coaching. Practitioners and academics have different understandings of the term (Hamlin and Ellinger, 2009, pp.13) and it is often used throughout business with various preceding tags. From life, sports and workplace coaching the themes and perspectives vary significantly. Practitioners that see themselves as coaches Wilson (2011, pp.7) argues, are simply taking advantage of the label for personal and monetary gain, including the likes of fitness coaches, diet and food coaches. A Sports coach typically tells the coachees what to do and where they are going wrong, whereas a true coach is a facilitator allowing people to learn, develop and fulfil their potential (Somers, 2006, pp.10; Whitmore, 2010, pp.10). This all suggests that coaching requires someone acting as the coach and someone the coachee. Some evidence suggests that self-coaching is an effective means, drawing upon self-persuasion theory (Aronson, 1999a; 1999b cited in Sue‐Chan and Latham, 2004, pp.261).
Various models can be utilised to

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