
Expository Writing Rough Draft On School

Better Essays

Kirk Zimmer
Expository Writing Rough Draft
Everything Wrong With School In 10 Minutes or Less!

When I was twelve, I had no appreciation for school. I saw it as nothing more as a glorified daycare center with all the rules and regulations specifically designed to restrict as much fun as possible. Then one day in the ninth grade, I had a revelation: what if school was actually meant to build me up with knowledge and facts and not just waste my time? This was the foundation I needed to get me through the next four years. Whenever I was bored, I would remind myself that I 'd never have a "free" education like this again. I adapted particularly well to this system of tests, quizzes, and science labs but I could never understand the hang up some people had with it. School was basic and easy and all it seemed to require was consistency an+d proper scheduling. I looked at people who couldn 't understand US History or Geometry and I thought they were dumb. It wasn 't until much later with much more reflection that I came to conclude there 's a difference between how you score on the SATs and how smart you actually are. Education isn 't necessarily a direct line to becoming intelligent and knowledgeable; education is nothing more than an institution designed to equip people with subsets of specialized processing methodologies, algorithms, and a fair bit of esoteric trivia. Furthermore, the current educational system in place is inefficient because of its rigid nature.
The current

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