
Exxon Valdez Research Paper

Decent Essays

Twenty seven years ago, tragedy struck the cold Pacific waters of Bligh reef in Alaska. March 24, 1989 Exxon Valdez oil spill took place. It was a devastating and horrific event that took more life than you can could count within the same hour. It is said to be the cause of mischeck and improper equipment supply. The cause was so big, no one noticed it. Such a massacre of wildlife could have been avoided if only they took the time to care.

New York Times is a very well known and big company that usually covers most major events so it's no surprise that new York times is one of the first organizations to discuss the issue. New York Times decided to remove itself from the typical branch of news and information and went a step above. Instead of speaking directly about the spill and giving their own opinion they went straight to the employees of Exxon. Many of the worker's opinions were negative and therefore majorly affected the audience and media. If the workers dislike the situation who is the media to fight them over it.

Another media that went over the spill was national geographic. This was to be expected as national geographic is defiantly for the wildlife. Geographics opinion of this was no shocker for the viewers. National Geographic has predicted that the waters would never again be …show more content…

This news provider doesn't talk about the oil spill on the day it happens, in fact, they talk about the fact 25 years later. This is a big deal to look at because the view 2 years later may have changed. Alas it did not change. It would be very rare to find a human who was able to find some good in this issue that the Huffington post calls, one of the worst environmental disasters in U.S history. Those whom my not have been alive or around at the time of the spill were clueless to this tragedy. Bringing it up 25 years later makes a real impact on the people of tomorrow's

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