
F Scott Fitzgerald Use Figurative Language In The Great Gatsby

Decent Essays

In the Great Gatsby the author F. Scott Fitzgerald uses a simile to develop Daisy's character. When F. Scott Fitzgerald writes “I love to see you at my table, Nick. You remind me of a—of a rose, an absolute rose. Doesn’t he?” coming from the character of Daisy (14), he is using a simile to further explain the situation Daisy is in with her husband. Her husband Mr. Buchanan was cheating on her with a woman named Myrtle Wilson, the wife of a man who owns a car garage who isn't in any way rich like Myrtle wanted. So, Myrtle had an affair with her husband with Buchanan.
For the second figurative language F. Scott Fitzgerald used another simile to give detail to describe the party Gatsby was having. When F. Scott Fitzgerald writes " and

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