Facts You Should Know About Identity Theft. How Child Identity Theft Happens. (n.d.): n. pag. How Child Identity Theft Happens. Experian, 2007. Web. 2015.
Family Secure tells you all about what identity theft actually is all about and all, the fact on how to really secure yourself. It teaches you about how is happens and where it can happen at. You are truly never safe from identity theft. It tells you how you can get your identity taken as just a child when they haven’t even had a chance yet.
"FAQ: Chip-Enabled Card Acceptance (EMV)." EMV Chip Card Technology FAQs. N.p., 2015. Web. 28 Sept. 2015.
This article is very in depth on the EMV cards. It tells you all you need to know such as how to use them or when they will really start using them. They are pretty much making credit cards just as secure as debit but just a little more intense. It tells you how the card works and how you use it on a more simple way
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"Identity Theft Remains the Top U.S. Consumer Complaint." N.p., 27 Feb. 2014. Web. 2015.
This article by Jamie white was made in purpose is to inform everyone on how identity theft has really affected the United States. Its show all the number of people effect in 2014. Give numbers on complaints the FTC received. She tells you also about credit card fraud that had conspired in the year of 2014. She also informs you of the main targeted group ages to watch out for and simple helpful tips on what to look for.
Zezima, Katie. "Obama Signs Order to Protect Consumers from Identity Theft." Washington Post. The Washington Post, 17 Oct. 2014. Web. 28 Sept. 2015.
This news report last year of 2014 told us about the new credit cards coming in with a little silver chip in them. This chip is call an EMV this chip makes it harder for credit fraud. It makes you now put in a pin with your credit card therefor making in more difficult to hack. This report is giving information president Obama had said at a Consumer Financial Protection
The idea was simple but far too complex, get anything on your "credit" and you could pay it later or at the end of the month, but with interest. The idea was a good one until people did not pay for the bill later on. Some of the first cards were made out of cardboard or celluloid. The cardboard did not last that long it was getting damaged really fast and could not be kept for at least a month. It was hard to manage a cardboard in your wallet for several days and got soft and flimsy thry didn't like it so they tried it with celluloid, this type of material was highly flammable even warmth could set it on fire. That was better than having a piece of paper in your
Becoming the victim of identity theft is never something that is a pleasant experience. Along with the fear regarding the actual event, there is also the aftermath that must be considered. It can sometimes take years to completely see the full effects of identity theft, but by learning more about the different types, it is much easier to get started making repairs.
Pay by tap credit cards: This is a permanent physical data storage mean where all credential data is on it, it’s kind of like a black box container where you can use the information store on this piece of object, since this kind of object is easy to steal by an entity, therefore it should be considered as a threat.
According to the Bureau of Justice, Identity Theft is Defined as “unauthorized use or attempted use of an existing account, unauthorized use or attempted use of personal information to open a new account, or misuse of personal information for a fraudulent purpose”. It is estimated that on average; 12.1 million US households experience identity theft annually, which it about 7% of the population. The average financial loss per incident is $5,130 and 64.1% of those reported identity thefts are solely credit card based. This equals to an annual 7.7 million people having their credit card number stolen costing them 41.3 billion dollars. Needless to say there is a major opportunity increased credit card security to
One reason identify theft is being a fast growing crime in the United State is because; more people credit card information is being stolen. Around 10% of American has fallen victims to credit card theft. Around 7% of Americans have been victim of debit or ATM fraud and 12% of the fraud was on internet websites and 10 % was on the telephone. One example of identity theft was eighteen months after moving in with his fiancée Joe Tremba begain to receive collection letter about past due credit card account that have been given to a collection agency. Tremba who always pays his bills on time was
In the time that it takes to read my speech, 38 to 57 people will have become victims of identity theft. According to usa.gov, identity theft is a crime where a thief steals your personal information to commit fraud. Common types of personal Id that are involved are medical, social, and tax identification. Identity thieves can use identity related documents for many different reasons which can cause some very stressful reactions, but it is
Identity theft is said to be one of the fasting growing crimes in America. According to our textbook, the lifestyle exposure theory, explains the different levels of exposure risk and how some people are exposed to higher risk than others depending on their lifestyle. Identity theft or fraud is when someone takes illegal actions and steal someone’s personal information to gain something from it. The theft can gain access to demographic information easily from the internet to get your name, email address, telephone number, birthday, and even your physical address (Archer, 2012).
Identity theft is the least understood of all problems, though this assumption of our identities for fraudulent purposes is the most alarming of all problems. It is the most rapidly growing crime in the United States. It is quite complex, and this is how fraudsters work. A fraudster gets hold of your personal information, including your social security number and the numbers of your credit cards, among others. It is not so difficult if you are not careful. He/she assumes your identity, runs up astronomical bills, and leaves you holding the bag. This leaves you with a credit record that is totally ruined, and creditors at your door screaming for their money.
Identity theft is a fast growing white-collar crime that is gaining the notoriety of an epidemic. There is a wealth of information on identity theft and prevention yet this area of crime is developing rapidly and is shrouded in myths.
There are as many as eight or more different types of identity thefts, but these three are the more common types: Financial Identity Theft, Driver’s License Identity Theft, Social Security Identity Theft. Consumers need to know what to do if they are a victim of identity theft starting by knowing the type of identity theft they are dealing with. (Stroup, 2016) Most people recognize and associate financial theft with this type of crime. It involves the use of personal information to create or take over someone’s financial accounts such as (checking accounts, credit cards, etc). Thieves then can acquire the information needed to hack into your accounts or steal your information through computer viruses, data hacking or any other cyber- attacks. It can be frustrating, stressful and time consuming trying to get
According to an identity theft agency website at http://www.consumer.gov/idtheft, throughout the history of the crime, federal agencies and government officials have made an effort to address the problem of identity theft. In October of 1998, Congress passed the Identity Theft and Assumption Deterrence Act of 1998 to address the problem. If anyone violates this act, they will be investigated by federal agencies such as the U.S. Secret Service, FBI, and the U.S. Postal Inspection Service and, if possible, prosecuted by the U.S.
According to the FTC, Identity theft topped the Federal Trade Commission’s national ranking of consumer complaints for the 15th consecutive year. There are eight different types of identity theft: Financial Identity Theft, Driver’s License ID Theft, Criminal ID Theft, Social Security ID Theft, Medical ID Theft, Insurance ID Theft, Child ID Theft, and Synthetic ID Theft. As I read though the list of potential identity theft issues, it honestly made me want to crawl under a rock, it is very unsettling that there are so many ways in which someone can become you. And the fact that many times we never know that a breach of our private data has occurred is equally unsettling.
According to the Bureau of Justice Statistics (BJS), almost 18 million Americans were victims of identity theft crimes in 2014. In fact, the most common kind of identity theft during this year was the attempted unauthorized use of existing financial accounts. Identity theft crimes are very serious, but there are actually different ways that criminals attempt to misrepresent their victims.
Identity theft affects millions of Americans every day. Scam artists and hackers lay in wait for an unsuspecting person to get caught up their scheme through ignorance or naivety so they can take full advantage of their personal information to do as they desire with it. Problem is, it infiltrates and depreciates the integral infrastructure of our society which creates a cultural lapse through the declination of economic and cultural growth and double jeopardizes an already unstable system to the brink of its destruction. To understand how
An estimated nine million Americans have their identities stolen each year. Identity thieves may drain accounts, damage credit, and even put medical treatment at risk. The cost to business — left with unpaid bills racked up by scam artists — can be staggering, too.