
Facts About Santa

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I think you should go to Chena Lakes, Santa Claus House, and the Alaska State Fair because there are lots of cool stuff at Chena Lakes and Santa Claus’s House and even the Fair. Even in the summertime!:) They are all AWESOME!:) There are floods near Chena Lakes, in 1967 the dam is 7.1 miles long. And controls nearly flow in to Fairbanks, long time ago. And the And the last thing is you can take your dog on a walk to.
Two true facts about Santa Claus, One it is based on a real person, Born around the of 280 A.D. in Patara , 8 flying reindeer. You can walk and take a picture with Santa. You can look at his reindeer and the reindeer’s smelly stuff.

The Fair date’s are August 25 thru September 5, 2016. If you need the

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