
Fahrenheit 451 Quote Analysis

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You don’t often think of books. In your everyday life can you honestly say you think of at least one book a day? Exactly. It’s just not part of our lives. Though, what if it was? History does repeat itself. If we would just read the notes of wisdom our ancestors left us called books, maybe we wouldn’t make the same mistake over and over again. But then again, maybe ignorance is bliss. We are taught since the time we could walk to do good. To follow the rules and tell someone if someone else isn’t following those rules. We don’t like to tattle on people but we don’t want anything dangerous to happen for not following the rules. So in the end we often find ourselves telling someone in order to help them in the long run. Everyone wants the best for the people they love. I think that is one of the reasons Mildred turned Montag in. I believe she did what she thought best to keep Montag safe. Mildred and Montag seemed as if they had a good relationship a long time ago but it just seemed that the love had faded greatly over …show more content…

He met Clarisse who showed him the world had a greater meaning to it. She showed him the beautiful parts of the world like the grass being green, the sky being blue, and the taste of rain. Unfortunately she didn’t make it after being hit by a car. He also stole a book from a lady’s house that the firefighters were getting ready to burn her books she committed suicide rather than watch her books burn. Montag at that point realized that there must be something in the books that was important for someone to commit suicide instead of watching her books burn. He took the Bible from her house hoping to find out what was so great about books. He gets help from his friend Faber who tries to explain to Montag that it was more than just the words in the book it was what you learned from the words and especially how you interpret the words

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