
Fahrenheit 451 Quote Analysis

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A society that values technology and suppresses knowledge has been brainwashed into believing what others have deemed unnecessary, although not true. In Fahrenheit 451, Bradbury depicts Montag’s cold, lifeless room in order to suggest that the technology-ruled, dystopian society has been corrupted, leading to a feeling of emptiness. Despite Montag trying to feel authentically happy, his efforts are shown to have failed after his interaction with Clarisse. When Montag walked into his bedroom, his smile began to, “ slide away, melt, and fold over,” revealing his true emotions. This example of personification implies that he could no longer control the mask of happiness he had been wearing for years as his emotions took over and his smile gained a mind of its …show more content…

Furthermore, personification also emphasizes how much society has influenced him to the point where he was living a lie. After years of believing he was satisfied with his life, it took Montag’s short conversation with Clarisse to have his mindset completely changed. He finally began to see the technologically advanced society for what it really was: destructive and villainous. The jurassic change in thinking could signify that he had had these thoughts for a while but the corrupt society would not allow him to express himself, so he was stuck feeling empty and alone. Another example of of emptiness is when Montag walked into his room and described it as being a, “cold, marbled room of a mausoleum.” This is metaphor comparing his room to a mausoleum, a place in which dead bodies are stored for burial. One reason for this comparison could be literal, due to the fact that his wife is laying in bed, motionless and stiff, similar to a dead body. A more figurative reason could be that his love life is dying as the society begins to become more and more technological and puts less emphasis on human interaction. Furthermore, the words “cold” and

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