
Fahrenheit 451 Quotes Analysis

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The theme of actions have consequences, applies in both Fahrenheit 451, by Ray Bradbury, and “Harrison Bergeron”, by Kurt Vonnegut.

First Example from Fahrenheit 451:
To begin, in Fahrenheit 451, by Ray Bradbury, a citizen tipped off the firemen about her neighbor, who might own unauthorized book. Almost instantaneously, the firemen appeared at the suspicious neighbor’s front door. However, the house was not vacant, as the homeowner was still inside her house, and not in the asylum. The firemen attempted to persuade her to leave the vicinity, she refuses, ignites the kerosene herself, and commits suicide.

First Quote from Fahrenheit 451:
“They [the firemen] coated each book [with kerosene]...the woman knelt among the books, touching …show more content…

Once she was caught, instead of taking responsibility for it, she decided to end it all.

First Example from “Harrison Bergeron”:
Furthermore, this is evident in “Harrison Bergeron”, by Kurt Vonnegut, when Harrison was arrested at the young age of fourteen, from his home. The government was suspicious of Harrison because they thought he was planning to overthrow them. While he was imprisoned, he was forced to wear various handicaps, like carrying a three-hundred pound weight.

First Quote from “Harrison Bergeron”:
Harrison “is under-handicapped, and should be regarded as extremely dangerous” …show more content…

Hold a gun on a man and force him to listen to your speech” (Bradbury 123).

Explanation of the Second Quote from Fahrenheit 451:
When Beatty taunted and threatened to track down Faber, it triggered Montag’s emotions. To stop the hypocritical Beatty, Montag decided to engulf him in flames. Beatty received what he deserved since Beatty considered himself to be superior, compared to all other members of society.

Second Example from “Harrison Bergeron”:
Additionally, in “Harrison Bergeron”, this becomes apparent when Harrison escapes prison, after only spending a brief amount of time behind bars. Just before he arrives at the studio, a public announcement warns the public of Harrison’s escape from jail. Once Harrison arrives at the studio, he removes his own handicaps, and then each of the handicaps from ballerinas and musicians. After that, he proclaims himself Emperor.

Second Quote from “Harrison Bergeron”:
“...the Handicapper General, came into the studio with a...shotgun. She fired twice, and the Emperor…[was] dead” (Vonnegut).

Explanation of the Second Quote from “Harrison Bergeron:
When Harrison escapes, the Handicapper General was furious, and she decided to kill him. She would have rather killed him than potentially risk him causing more

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