
Failure Is A Compromising And Alarming Idea. When Thinking

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Failure is a compromising and alarming idea. When thinking about the drug control policy of the past half-century, failure is the only conclusion that one can come to. A dated history of combatting drug abuse with punitive measures has not led to the annihilation of illicit drug use. It has not created safer societies. It has led to the stigmatization and isolation of a substantial proportion of society and stimulated drug crimes. Now it is time to look back and address the negative consequences of past drug control strategies. It is time to reform the strategies of fighting illicit drug use. The National Drug Control Strategy, the Global Commission on Drug Policy, and the Latin American Commission on Drugs and Democracy all advocate for …show more content…

This view is often associated with the previous punitive strategies combatting drug abuse. That addiction, use, and possession were often subject to harsher prison sentences than violent crimes, within the US criminal justice system, shows how past policies were misaimed. The new strategies must therefore not only deal with the issue of illicit drug use, but also with the fallout of previous policies. The punitive approach of combatting drug abuse has created an infrastructure to support a global drug trade. Not only does a punitive approach isolate an entire sector of the population as criminal, but it also creates an environment that perpetuates actual crime. By outlawing the possession and sale of illicit drugs, the need for unlawful methods of attainment was perpetuated. This led to rise of black markets, organized crime, and violence associated with the unregulated production and distribution of illicit drugs (LACDD, 19). To combat this infrastructure, the reports of the NDCS, the LAC, and the GC all have strategies targeting organized crime and drug trafficking. The GC advocates for a “focus on reducing the power of criminal organizations as well as the violence and insecurity that result from their competition with both one another and the state” (Global Commission on Drug Policy [GC],8). Similarly, the The NDCS emphasizes the need to “collaborate with international partners to disrupt the drug trade” (National Drug

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