
Fallacies And Aspects Of Cheating In The Film : Faking The Grade

Decent Essays

Cheating, also known according to the film as faking the grade, is certainly unfair to honest students. The unfairness comes in some cases where the cheater outperforms the honest student. Faking the Grade is a film that portrays cheating as something immoral and that it puts the honest people at a disadvantage whether it is during school/university or throughout their lives. Children nowadays are depending on the many forms of cheating to be successful. According to Schmuley Boteach, however, cheating is something to blame on the parents and not the children because that is where it starts (Faking the Grade, web). In this paper I analyze arguments made in the film by specifically focusing on the generalizations made and connecting them to the different fallacies and principles of argumentation that relate to hasty generalizations. First, I discuss a hasty generalization that was introduced in the film at the beginning which led for the remaining arguments of the film to be weaker and narrowed down. Then, I discuss Boteach’s argument which concludes that parents are the main fault for kids cheating and I mention the variety of different fallacies committed in that argument.
The generalizations made in this film are very clear. The narrator starts off the film by bringing up a study made in Canada where half of the undergraduates admitted to cheating in university and over three quarters admitted they cheated in high school (Faking the Grade, web). We can tell from the

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