Have you recently downloaded Lumosity for yourself or for the elderly in your home? Recent allegations have indicated that the app does not live up to its expectation and false advertising was used. Luminosity is an app that claims it could boost brain power and mental performance at work or in school. It also boasts that it can prevent the onset of the mental disorder - dementia. Currently, the company behind the app, Lumos Labs, is in a state of critical mess being sued allegedly for false advertising. The brain game developer have been accused of lying that the app could help in mental performance. Downloading the app requires a monthly membership fine of $15. A user can also opt for a lifetime subscription worth $300. The membership allows the users to access Lumos Labs' games and brain performance enhancing apps such as Lumosity. …show more content…
For any products claiming to prevent or improve mental health related performances, the product has to be critically tested and approved by the Food and Drug
Quick to Install, automatic setup, offers many settings for customization. Once you have installed the application you will enter a 20 digit authorization code that was sent to the email used for purchase. You will be given 30 days as a trial free period and therefore it's wise to verify the system date is correct to guarantee this offer.
In the field of mental health, professionals must be constantly looking for ways to help their patients. (Cozby & Bates 2012). When dealing with research, it allows us to explore valuable information that has been
The article points out the difference between the normal anxiety and the mental health issue anxiety; specifying different types of anxiety disorder. The National Institute of Mental Health is a part of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services making the source credible. NIMH is the leading agency on research for mental disorders. The source helped me understand what certain medication does to help aid the mental disorder a person can deal with. I resort to meditation and stress management techniques instead of taking medications. The source informs the readers about possible side effects of the medicine; precisely why I did not want to take
All that's required to see if a person is mentally healthy is if they fulfil the defined criteria, making it easier to define mental health as there is a set of conditions to be satisfied.
(Furlov, B. Paskus, L.) Mental Health is of the highest concern along with the following:
The basic premise of any doctor’s assessment is to address the patient’s concerns, perform lab work, diagnose the condition, perhaps administer medication, and monitor the patient for improvement or problems associated with medication. In general, patients are expected to follow the advice of a certified physician; however, mental illness challenges the rudimentary design of doctor and patient relationships. Psychiatry entails assessments that are elaborate and while often reducing patient symptoms, continue to pose challenges to the psychiatric field due to the level of maintenance and the evolution of recovery (Jacob, K., S. 2015.) Moreover, the approach to recovery in mental illness patients does not end with medication as management and continuous care dominate the mental illness landscape.
Biomedical approach treats physical symptoms of disorder such as anxiety, panic attacks and depressions. It states the cause is due to physiological factors and not psychological. The DSM-IV (APA, 2000) & ICD-10 (WHO, 1992) can be used to diagnose Joseph’s condition (depression). Various scans and blood tests can be used to determine the course of biomedical approach (e.g. medications or ECT). However, by looking at Joseph’s symptoms, he may benefit from drug therapy. Anti-depressants (e.g. Prozac) or anti-anxiety (e.g. valium) drugs are fast-responsive treatment and can be used for short-time to reduce Joseph’s physical symptoms. However, they do not provide complete cure to the disorder (Macleod, 1998), and may lead to physiological and psychological addiction. It also has little effect on negative symptoms such as social withdrawal and apathy.
This week’s readings were about drug addiction and a brain training scam. The article about Lumosity –a brain training program – was interesting because there are numerous programs and products out there that claim to improve brain performance. It reminded me of “brain clinics” in Roswell, where I live, and their extraordinary claims to cure people of ADHD and such. Even though the FTC filed a complaint against Lumosity, it is unfortunate that people take advantage of consumers who have basic or low health literacy skills, or who are desperate for a solution. Although Lumosity already has a negative reputation with the FTC, they probably have found other ways to lure people into paying for their brain training services. I was wondering if there
After advances in the world of psychiatry, new interests in the field of psychology, new medications thought to cure mental disease, and much frustration with the M’Naghten Rule, the courts adopted a new standard – The Durham Test. The test provided that:
This is an accurate representation of medication for depression. It does not make you want to live, it does not fix your thinking, it just makes you functional. It allows you to do things you wouldn’t usually be able to, and maybe after a while you will be able to function on your own.
Through the course of time, mental illnesses have always been in existence due to varying factors and causes. However, as time has passed, the perceptions and available treatments for mental illnesses have also changed as new technology was developed. By looking at the treatments and perceptions of mental illnesses in the early 20th century, we can learn how to properly treat and diagnose not only mental disorders but also other conditions as well as show us the importance of review boards and controlled clinical trials.
These things, do not establish the mental state of a person. No thorough test has to be taken and a patient’s history on their mental health is rarely complete.
They are popularly referred to as being part of a continuum, the ability to successfully perform in productive activities and relationships, as opposed to the inability to do such things (Mental Illness Overview). Ever since the first edition of the DSM was published in 1952, scientists have studied how a person’s mind relates to their brain and whether the disorders they listed were organic or purely in the mind (Arben). Science has made extraordinary leaps in this aspect, as they have come to discover not only the biological change that causes mental illnesses, but they are also able to pin down even specific chromosomes linked to them. One in particular that has been heavily studied is depression, which is known to be related to a lack of the neurotransmitter serotonin in the brain. Some of the more recently developed medications, known as SSRIs, block the receptors that recycle serotonin from taking in too much and allowing enough to carry proper signals throughout the brain (Johnson). While some people insist on the opinion that drugs such as these are overprescribed (Medications for Mental Illness Are Overprescribed), professionals use tested algorithms when determining whether a patient is in need of medication, and if so what medication to use (Restricting Medications for Mental Illness Harms Patients). These methods have been fine-tuned over the past few decades and are used treat a patient to their own personal needs, and to aid
RS. Unless it is targeted toward a vulnerable audience, such as children or the elderly, advertisement materials or product packaging is only considered deceptive if it is likely to mislead a reasonable person. See id. at 289. A reasonable person is not deceived
Multiple studies have shown that if “brain games” are used daily one can improve their performance in few tasks.