
Family Definition Essay

Decent Essays

Since the united stated has become so diverse that the definition of family has change, therefore, in my perspective, culture background, and personal experience, a family is not only blood related that lives in the same household but also someone that has been by my side showing empowerment through rough times. Therefore, I perceive the definition of family as, someone who, has seen the good and the bad side of me and still accept me who I am with judging me. Someone that has helped me through a difficult situation without asking anything in return. A family that is very supportive, therefore, making me believe in myself and feel very motivated to keep me going every day even though sometimes my life was difficult in this country. furthermore, …show more content…

Due to the fact that, my parent’s socio-economic status is the federal poverty line. I say a poor working class because I have a job but also does my parents. None of my parents have a careers. My parent’s jobs generally provide us with the means to barely scrape by, surviving paycheck-to-paycheck. Earning enough to pay for the bills and utilities. As a poor working class my parents sometimes have swallowing their pride to receive services such as food stamps or visit food banks. The society even makes it seem like they are to be blamed for their circumtances, but nobody ask why the society oppresses the poor. My parents are considered and so do I poor working class because we are seasonal farm workers or sometimes entirely out of work, tirelessly seeking employment and relying on other means to survive.
When I was small my parents and I moved a lot but we tended to live in poorer neighborhoods. There was no fast food, grocery stores, and park close. but lucky enough that the school were closed enough. but mostly consist of in the poor neighborhood, the community consist of Hispanics and field workers. But also African- Americans like two blocks away. I have to say that the neighborhoods that I grew up where not a safe environment to raise a child due to violence. My neighborhood really didn’t consist of the white

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