My family on the outside is definitely the kind of family people automatically have an assumption about at first glance, and I know exactly what those assumptions are, my family looks like the typical middle-class family you see every day. We’re white, average heights, looks, jobs, everything about us looks average. What people didn’t know about my family growing up and still don’t know is that my family is not necessarily average. I first noticed that my family was different when I was seven years old. My parents would argue every single day and I don’t know exactly what happened when I turned seven, but at that point in my life was like a realization moment for me, I realized that I didn’t know anyone else who had parents that would argue every day and night nonstop over nothing and everything. In sixth grade, my family switched me and my sisters to different school districts so, I ended up leaving the only elementary school I had ever known and transferring to a different elementary school in the sixth grade, I was a 12-year-old kid ready for middle school only to be moved back into an elementary school where everyone and their grandparents knew each other. I was a shy kid, uncomfortable with myself, teachers, other kids, with everybody really and unfortunately people looked at me and knew those things as well. Throughout sixth grade and junior high I was picked on at school during the day only to come home in the evening to watch my parents self-destruct. My parents
My parents had hopes that over time I would become less shy, but when I wtill avoided things such as public speaking they sent me to boarding school. These were some of the worst weeks of my life. I became so sick I stopped talking and eating all together. Once my parents realized their plan did not work I was taken back home. When I got home my family and I soon moved to a farm where my cousins
I was so jealous of my brother, he went to a really cool school where he could play the clarinet and join sports teams. My parents would just wave me off and tell me to finish my soggy peas. I didn’t understand why my parents wouldn’t just say ‘yes’. All I wanted was to avoid those girls, I was done being picked on for nothing.
Schools was place that was really hard for me at the time. I had a short boy haircut, every time I came to school people would ask me if I was boy. They only said that to embarrass me even though they see me all the time at school. One of my close friends now actually always made fun of me. I usually got really depressed and would throw a fit. My teacher always helped me though when people made fun of me.
Albeit I was a rather outgoing child, as I matured my self-esteem began to dwindle. I was harassed exceedingly throughout elementary and middle school, and because of this bullying, my confidence suffered considerably. Due to these and several other matters, including that of finance, I transferred schools in the fourth grade. This was probably one of the most beneficial events to occur in my life, as though I have suffered some contempt
Over the summer, I put my own values above my family’s for the first time. This led to my decision to move out and begin crafting my own life by making choices that I give myself. My family would no longer be making my decisions for me. In response, my father felt as though his values should be placed above mine. He was so upset that one of the things he said to me was, “I am extremely disappointed in you.” His remark only furthered my decision to leave; I had recognized that my personal values were more important than family values.
My 6th grade year I was still being bullied and none of my so called friends stood up for me. That year I started to change and act differently towards everyone. I was still getting in trouble, because I was known as a trouble child. If something bad happened and I was around I was undoubtedly accused of doing it.
It is the first warm spring day. Today is my Grandfather's birthday. My Dad, my two older sisters, and I decide to go visit him. Mom Has work until five, as she usually does, so she will not be coming with us. My Grandparents live right down the street so we walk instead of taking the car. The whole family was there, such as: My Aunt, two Cousins, my Uncle, my Grandparents, and my family. The whole day was spent with laughter, cake, and outside activities. Sadly the day came to an end and my family walks back over to our house. My mom was home from work, and as soon as my dad walked into the house she said to him, “We need to talk”. What happened to my parents next was something I never expected. I will never forget the date, April 10,
You walk into a humid gym. It reeks of chalk and feet. The music is playing and it seems like everyone is talking at once. You walk around the corner and parents are sitting in gray stands gossiping. You look straight ahead and see girls working out on different apparatuses. Coaches are explaining drills to some, and giving corrections to others. With so many people talking, you can't hear what the coaches are saying. You only see their lips moving as they talk to the kids. Girls are in suim suit looking uniforms. They all look different ages, ranging from 4-18 years old. The girls you watch do a skill, jump off the beam, then talk happily to their friends. They look like their focused when performing, but when their done they all laugh and talk at once. My friends and family use different traits to describe me depending on the atmosphere we're in.
I have always been obsessed with advertisements and food ever since I was little. For instance, when I was younger, I used to study the way the subway commercial man pronounced, “Subway eat fresh.” Also, I was fascinated with New York because I knew that it was packed full of ads and delicious foods. So, my sweet, down-to-earth mom, my prissy half-sister, and I took a family vacation to New York to visit my aunt and uncle and to explore. My dad could not make the trip to New York because he could not take vacation time from his job. My aunt designed cereal boxes for major cereal companies, and my uncle was the producer for all Mercedes –Benz commercials and some Tic-tac commercials. Knowing I would be spending a week in an ad filled city
No one can’t meet a family like mine’s. My family is well diversified. Every family member plays an important role in all my family’s lives. In my family, there are four people: my father, my mother, my little brother and me. My father is one who brings money home and is also responsible for organizing and planning family trips. My mother is the one who is in charge for making meals and makes sure everyone eats at the appropriate times. My little brother is the pet of the family. He actually doesn’t have any responsibilities, for he’s the pet. I am the rock of support in my family. I always go beyond my parents’ expectations. I also support my younger cousins and little brother, by being a role model that they can look up to. Another
Do you have any family or friend traditions? If you do you should know what a tradition is and if you don't or you are not sure. A family tradition is a time were you gather up with your family. Then you eat, party, play games, or just hang out. The tradition would be that you do these things every year on the same day or holiday with the same family members. Some of the time traditions are very important to our lives since people can be put in situations where they can only see these family members or friends one time a year. So the time that you have the tradition that would be the only time that they could see them. Now I am going to tell you about some of the traditions that me and my family have together each year.
As a member of a hispanic family there are many rules that the children of the family have to follow because that is the way the hispanic families do in order to raise the children for them to be successful or have a good future of their own. In my case, both of my parents love me and they raise the best they could do and I am grateful for it because they have always been by my side since day one of my life. They taught me the good behavior that all person should have, they demonstrated me virtues and responsibilities I had to carry since a young age because I am the eldest children in the family of four siblings. It never bother me to be the eldest because taking care of the youngest members was an easy task for me. Yet, as many families
Either “ Cooper no!” or “Cooper stop eating that!”, are two of the most common phrases said in my household. Cooper has successfully eaten half of a water bottle, a cow bone, pens, his own collar while it was on him, he’s chewed up socks, shirts, and tubes of mascara and much more. Cooper is a small black, Miniature Toy Poodle, that enjoys being an inconvenience too keeping things in their rightful spot. Cooper enjoys eating things that could kill him, and one day, it caught up to him.
As I open the door and enter into my house after a long day of school, I sit down on the couch, all the sudden I hear the door open again, my mom walks in and exclaims “pack your bags we’re going to Lake Winnipesaukee”. My extended family begins the journey up there as well. Everyone packs a bags into the car and we are off to spend the week up on the lake.
Sophomore Year I was being bullied by anyone and everyone. I couldn’t post a picture without people commenting on it saying they wish I was dead or that I should kill myself. I never realized how mean people could be and I never really thought that anyone would be able to make you hate yourself more hate anything. I started skipping school. My mom would drop me off and the doors and