
Family as a Primary Agent

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Family as an Agent Family, in terms of socialization has a stronger force as a primary agent. This is the first social group that shapes the personality of an individual. Due to the vastly different structures in family and child raising practices, there is no universal influence on the individual. What values do families instill? Values are instilled for children such as love, guidance, care, motivation, morals, religion, education, traditions, marriage, consequences, and communication. These values are intended to teach children and as a source of guidance for life. The way a child is raised and the values they are taught shapes their personality. Why is School Important to Society? “We live in an ever progressing and developing society. Education in this society is not only a demarcation of the wealthy and poor but also of the uneducated and educated. Your reputation and social image is dependent on your educational qualifications”. Messages and Values Generally Instilled by American Families -Patriarchy was more of an instilled value pre women’s movement; ( Ross) -Androgyny of roles post women’s movement; women in modernized times are a lot different and can often be the sole “breadwinner” (Ross) Quayle included a list of the top values listed by 1000 American volunteer families who sent in the following responses. -Religion -Teaching Morals -Family Unity -Communication -Love & Affection -Respect -Time together -Responsibility Are its messages and values

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