
Fantasies: Narcissism And Schizoid Personality

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Fantasies- Narcissists harbour fantasies for what their life could be like. They create their own fantasy worlds where they are the main “character.” Some narcissists are caught up in this delusion while others strive to achieve their ideal life. (A tendency to create fictional worlds is also characteristic of schizoid personality disorder.)
Uniqueness- Narcissists believe that they are superior or special to the people around them; it is an innate feeling. Even if the narcissist has not done anything commendable or praiseworthy, they will still believe that they are special.
Admiration- Narcissists want praise, compliments, and expressions of envy. This makes the narcissist feel powerful or special; it feeds their ego. Sincerity is not an …show more content…

To the narcissist, envy is a natural part of their lifestyle.
Arrogance- Their egocentrism results in a haughty attitude. They hold themselves in formal ways and will speak as though they are from a higher or superior position. This arrogance also lets narcissists treat other people as inferior to them. They are dismissive or rude to people whom they consider to be “sub par” to them.

In an article published by Russ and other researchers, they look at narcissism through a new lense. They attempt to find the most characteristic and distinctive features of NPD; furthermore they attempt to identify various subtypes of NPD. They proposed three main subtypes of NPD, grandiose/malignant, high-functioning/exhibitionistic, and fragile.

Grandiose narcissism is characterized by seething anger, a lack of remorse, exaggerated self-importance, feelings of privilege, interpersonal manipulativeness, and a pursuit of interpersonal power and control. Grandiose narcissists do not suffer from any self esteem issues, and the only negative emotion they feel is anger. These narcissists have little knowledge of their destructive behaviour and personality. Grandiose narcissists also suffer the most from substance abuse and are often also the perpetrator in adult abusive relationships. Furthermore these narcissists may also have paranoid and antisocial personality disorders (Russ,

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