
Farewell Speech

Decent Essays

Good evening and welcome. I would like to take a moment to thank everyone who allowed me to be here today. All the teachers, coaches, mentors, and staff members who have changed my life forever, and of course my loving, caring, parents. Without your inspiration and support I would not be the same person I am. I stand here today as the salutatorian of the class of 2017. A class that I believe has truly left a mark on Swansboro. Looking back at the last four years of high school, evokes a variety of mixed emotions to each individual in this room, but today we can all agree that this journey has shaped our lives. Coming in as freshman, we were scared, nervous, and overwhelmed with the transition to come. At orientation, we were introduced into a whole new world. A world with weird hallways that did not follow any numerical order. A world with lockers that no one used and were merely decoration. Even in this time of unknown, we were still excited. Excited about the change to come, about taking the next step in our lives. And so, we adapted, we evolved, and we found a way to flourish and make this new world our home for the next four years. Our first year had some of the best parts of high school in it. We saw our first spirit week, our first home varsity football game, our first pep rally. We participated in clubs, sports, and even got to go on a fieldtrip to Myrtle Beach. While classes were longer than we were accustomed to, and teachers often assigned more work,

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