On April 3rd, Fargo church had their regular Sunday Service and studied the John 11:1-44. The minister also explained the time and meaning of Pentecost, the preparation to receiving the Holy Spirit.
After the Sermon, Fargo church members had a graceful fellowship time together. Brother Tim gave a testimony about a miracle regarding his brother's son, as he had a brain surgery a few days before Easter. It was very dangerous, so there were many doctors, and experts discussed this case a lot. Tim reflected with tears and a grateful heart that there were so many people who prayed for his nephew, and God performed this real miracle that the operation was very successful. Then the minister understood the reason of Tim's eyes filling with tears at the offering prayer segment. The minister also shared her reflection and God's work on her during the Easter retreat with Tim. When they almost finished the fellowship, there was a newcomer, named Kevin who visited the church asking for information about the Bible study.
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Please prayer for the Fargo church to grow in the practice of God's word and prayer for receiving the Holy Spirit during this period toward
Mr. collins was willing to share some of his stories and experience with us. Not all of the stories were happy endings or the pretty picture we sometimes try to portray to people.He stressed the importance of telling your own story. When you tell your own story, you are able to do it with passion and emotion. You can feel it out for those listening. I have always been somewhat afraid of telling people my whole story, because I never know how they will react or treat me after. But, the reality is, my story has power, the power to influence. My story is my own, and no one can change it. I was inspired by how transparent Mr. Collins was with telling his story, he was inspiring and motivational. As Christians, it is our job to witness and love others, our stories have power and they are one of the easiest ways to relate to others and build God’s kingdom.
Every year near the Christmas season there are several places in Portland Oregon asking residents of the city to donate gifts for those in need. There is the KGW toy drive, which is partnered up with Les Schwab Tires and KGW Television and Radio station. Donate a new unwrapped toy at any Les Schwab Tire store in the metropolitan area of Portland. They can also be delivered directly to KGW 's station house located at 1501 SW Jefferson St. in Portland. Donations for gifts in Portland can range from unwrapped toys to food items. There are several places that you can donate non-perishable food items for the holidays. The Oregon Food Bank is located 7900 NE 33rd Drive. A person can also donate their time at the local Gospel Mission. Every Thanksgiving and Christmas they are in need of donated gifts of time and food items to feed the homeless and needy of Portland and it 's metro areas. The Union Gospel Mission is located at 15 NW Third and 222 NE Couch . One can go to either of these locations and donate the gift of time for Christmas and Thanksgiving both. A person can also give the gift of an unwrapped new gift or clothing at the Salvation Army at three different locations. 11 NW Fifth Ave; 30 SW Second Ave; and 139 SE ML King Blvd. Take any donations to these locations and ask that they be placed for Christmas giving. KATU Television and Radio also has a toy donation drive for Christmas. Located at 2153 NE Sandy Blvd. Anyone may take an unwrapped new toy or gift of
Intercede for Sozo Church, a church plant in Puyallup, Washington. Pray for pastor Brett and Mrs. Kerry Latin, the pastoral couple as they lead the church. Pray that God will guide the church in finding creative and effective ways to reach out to their community.
The Lutheran religion is a branch of Protestant Christianity, and it was a result of their founder, Dr. Martin Luther, stepping away from the Roman Catholic religion in his mission to reform it. Luther’s intention was never to create a new religion; he solely wanted to reform the Catholic religion to rid the church of its contradictions to the bible. For my site visitation, I attended a Lutheran service at St. Paul Lutheran Church. This particular Lutheran church that I went too is associated to the Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod, the 2nd largest Lutheran organization in the United States.
On Wednesday, March 16, Cheyenne Faith Evangelical Church(p) held a Wednesday service. Minister Helen meditated on a message from Matthew26:6-13. It is a story about the woman that broke her alabaster jar and poured her ointment onto Jesus. This is a very touching story, and it encouraged the minister to go forward with a heart like this woman.
Pray for the collaborative partnership that the Central District is moving into with the Ohio Valley District for Kingdom advancement and church multiplication in the great
Thom S. Rainer and Eric Geiger conducted case studies of churches and found out that healthy churches have simple processes for making disciples. Church leaders are encouraged by the authors to inquiry and seek answers to vital questions pertaining to church discipleship. The questions that peeked my interest are: Is our church simple or complex? Why? Where do we fit on this continuum? Or In the culture how have you seen people respond to simple (Rainer & Geiger, 2011, p27)? The kingdom is expanding through churches with simple process and the more complex churches are struggling. The authors share examples of simple church, just to name a few; the first one, is not well-know, the Cross Church (Rainer & Geiger, 2011, p33). Their purpose statement is clear and concise “love God, love others, and serve the world” Rainer & Geiger, 2011,
I attend Lutheran Church of the Good Shepard. My experiences that I have obtained from attending that church have developed my character and gave me so many opportunities. Being part of the church allowed me to see more people from many different walks of life. I also made many friends there that weren't just in my grade. When I look back at the mission trip that I did a few years ago I am very proud of all the stuff that our small group was able to accomplish. I liked being able to help these people and better understand what they were going through. Without church I would not have these amazing experiences and I would not be the person that i was
This event accomplished its mission of creating a welcoming environment that fosters the Schoenfeldt Christian community as we walk our faith journey together. Many people were able to lead the event in their own way, leading to an engaging, innovative, and fresh event each week. As mentioned elsewhere on this poster, the event also tied in with the University’s core tenets. For all involved, Schoenfeldt Hall Bible Study offered a sanctuary to temporarily escape from stress and enter a space where we could speak freely and enter into a deeper relationship with our Lord.
Mormonism is the term used to describe the religious beliefs and practices of the members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. The congregations, or the group of people assembled for religious worship, are frequently referred to as Mormons. This religious movement, which was founded in the year 1830, argues that the Mormon Church is a restoration church originally created by the Saviour Jesus Christ and He chose the Prophet Joseph Smith, Jr. to restore it (Hughes, 2014). From that day, Joseph labored in God’s service, working to establish The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints and to build up God’s kingdom on earth in the latter days. Jesus directs His Church today through revelation to a prophet on the earth, and Joseph Smith was that such prophet.
St. Luke Presbyterian Church was a relaxed church. Presbyterian churches abide by the sovereignty of God, the scriptures, and grace through faith. The Presbyterian Church members that attended the service were dressed from casual pants to dresses and suits. The church setting was considered to be a small, local church with roughly about 30 rows of pews. The choir included 15 women and a teenage boy. The members were very welcoming and seemed eager to get to know the guests that were new that Sunday morning. The preacher was an older man, in about his late 60’s or early 70’s. This was mainly a diverse family church with a few college students. At the beginning of the sermon they had children’s church, which is when they relate the word of God to the younger kids so they can understand what the
"I am going to send you what my Father promised; but stay in the city until you have been clothed with power from on high."
3. A father is called the Brethren who never attended church meetings. However, he expect his children to attend Church services. Every Sunday morning, he gave each child a little money to donate to the church. He would play mahjong with three friends. The children took the money to buy something to eat. When the sermon started, they would go and listen to a bible verse to report to their father. They had things to eat and something to report and played.
People would come for healing, prophecy, and pacifically to hear the different tongues expressed during church. The followers of the Pentecostal religion are Christians who believe in Jesus Christ with the exception they believe that God can manifest his powers through true believers. The Pentecostal followers pray and sing with a focus of God in hopes that one day God will use their bodies as a vessel. Pentecostals are not just satisfied with repent, or forgiveness of sins. They want to receive the ultimate gifts which is the gift of the Holy Spirit, that is defined as God being within them. In the book of Joel in the Bible there is promise that God will pour out his spirit onto all flesh. And this will result in people having dreams and see visions. These are the promises from the Bible are the motivations for the Pentecostal faiths. Also, in the good book Acts 2:1-4 promises that on the day of the Pentecost when everyone is gathered together God will send down his Holy Spirit and everyone will speak in the different languages that God them. These mystical wonders that are filled in the Bible are the spiritual experiences many people look forward to
The Pentecostal denomination isn’t so different from what we believe from the Reformed perspective. For example, they believe in the Trinity, that Jesus was the Son of God, and that Bible is their main authority. However, not everything is the same. Some of the things that they believe differently from the Reformed perspective include infant baptism, speaking in tongues, and what their worship service looks like.