
Fashion Marketing Statement

Decent Essays

Thinking in an unusual way has always created my most successful ideas and I know that this will add to my advantage when studying Fashion Marketing. Part of being a conscious human being, is having an intention. And if you put an intention into whatever you think to do, it’s definitely going to be more satisfying in the end. This motto has helped me my targets and achieve them so far in my career. I am blown away with the way the Fashion Marketing industry has such a strong influence over society’s choice of styling, and how it can influence current and future trends through different ways and I am curious with the marketing strategies and what motivates the consumer to buy a fashion product. I want to study Fashion marketing because I wanted to learn know more about the business side of Fashion. The opportunity of combining my interest in fashion products with marketing skills really excites me. To gain more personal and communication skills to be successful in this ever increasing competition of the global environment. A deep understanding of the products and consumers desires is necessary in order to promote the products effectively and also gain access to the problem faced by companies in the real world. Also to learn more about the marketing side of fashion and the consumer-led practices on the …show more content…

Because I aspire to become a professional in fashion marketing, the decision to pursue a master’s degree in the UK was a natural choice. London is very fast paced and is also considered as a fashion capital among other top cities in the world and it is also the hub of all business markets. In my country, the fashion marketing field is still in its early stage of development, and the academic programs are equally

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