
Essay on Fast Food Is So Unhealthy, Troy Is the Alternative

Satisfactory Essays

Most Americans crave high calorie fast food and go to places such as McDonalds, Wendy’s, and Burger King. The main reason that people are drawn to it because to them it tastes rich and bold in flavor but in reality fast food is unhealthy. Nowadays people try to take the healthier route but some people are connected to fast food because it’s easy to afford and it’s close to where they live. As healthier restaurants are growing it's crucial to keep the same foods and flavor as fast food restaurant.
The new exclusive health restaurant will be in Troy, Michigan because there will be fewer competition in the area and a better way to ensure a successful business. This healthy restaurant is to encourage and ensure people to eat a …show more content…

Only ¼ of the American population eats fast food per day while the other ¾ eat at home or healthy balanced meals. Target Customer The target costumer of the new exclusive healthy restaurant is targeted at people who are self-conscious about their health and for people who want to take the right path to eating healthier. The largest consumer would be older age groups, 30-50 years old because as people get older they are more concerned with their eating habits so they change and start eating healthier than before. Many people start to regret the fact they didn’t start eating healthier at an earlier age. In Troy there are only a few fast food and a causal walk in places such as McDonalds, Wendy’s, Burger King, Taco Bell, and Panera Bread. Since more people are more health conscious about their health they favor on healthier places and not as much as the fast food one but typical teenagers crave sugary foods and may tend not to favor in the healthy places. Conclusion The exclusive health restaurant is a viable business and backed up by research that people are starting to slowly starting to eat healthier and starting to worry about their health in the future. Although there are many teenagers in these area they will more likely consume fast food but most of them will realize that it’s a bad turn for the future will eat unhealthy. Also there’s

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